In addition to providing a roadmap to early access in 2026 and beyond, retro-themed Monsters & Memories candidly discussed how much money it’s cost to build the MMORPG to date. Spoiler if you haven’t read the headline: It’s a lot less than you’d think.
“We’ve spent just under $70,000 dollars on the development of Monsters & Memories (2020-2023),” developer Niche Worlds Cult revealed. “This amount was paid out of pocket, so we only owe ourselves. And this was only possible, because we’ve dedicated years of our free time to this as a passion project.”
The studio said that this gives the game more runway to succeed: “This means that when we go into early access we can start small and grow the game over time if needed, without a looming financial deadline or worrying about only getting one chance to get things right.”
To finance the ongoing operation and development of the game, the studio said that it plans “one basic subscription fee” as well as anonymous tipping and physical merchandise sales.
“For us, even a small subscriber base at launch will put us in a better place financially, and development will move even faster,” it said.