I will never stop making fun of Prince Rurik in the original Guild Wars. It will simply never happen. No one else is going to get the joke (except Bree), but I do not care; I will stand up proudly and note that someone should have trifled with doors. It is always hilarious to me, and I do not feel the least bit bad for Rurik’s ultimate fate.
But I also still love him. He’s an idiot who dies because of a ridiculous personal sacrifice that accomplishes nothing, but gosh what a memorable idiot.
There are NPCs we hate because they’re obnoxious or they’re a pain to fight, but then there are the ones that we still think are dumb as heck or even irritating but we still enjoy on some level. The game would be lesser without them, whether they are annoying escorts or stupid questgivers or just enemies that take way too long to fight in ways that wind up endearing. So who’s the MMO NPC you love to hate?