Fallout 76 begins the first phase of public testing for its Skyline Valley update


What does a nuclear apocalypse do to a place like Shenandoah National Park? Fallout 76 players are now able to find out — at least in part — with the first portion of the Skyline Valley update, now available on the PTS.

This test build of the update that fans first got wind of last December will let players get acquainted with the new zone, place their own CAMPs in the region, and partake in a new public event along with an updated Fasnacht event.

The PTS round will also begin rebalancing several aspects of FO76’s combat, starting with adjustments to a short list of creatures. Multiple patches will be released throughout testing, all of which collectively target weapons and creatures in the hopes of creating an improved experience.

As for the second part of the update, that will hit public testing in May and will feature an all-new questline to undertake. For now, the month of April has lots of other pieces for players to try out and provide feedback on. You are going to provide feedback, right?

Oh, and in a good strike of news for fans of the recent TV show, Amazon announced that it greenlit a second season of Fallout for its streaming service.

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