New World fills its summer drought with the Summer Medleyfaire, starting this week


Somehow, calling it the Smedleyfaire just isn’t as fun as it used to be, but New World’s Summer Medleyfaire is indeed returning this week and running through July 23rd. And you’d better like it because it’s apparently all the content PC players are getting for a while thanks to the ongoing content drought in the lead-up to Aeternum this fall.

As players will recall, the event originally introduced instruments to the game and now functions as a celebration of music, allowing players to unlock and master nearly 60 different songs, snag the Guitar Hero title, and put together rockin’ new outfits.

“Celebrate Musical Instruments and Fishing when the Summer Medleyfaire returns from June 26 through July 23,” Amazon says. “Whether you visit a Summer Village for the first time or already raised your reputation with the Medleyfaire Maestro, every seasonal activity is back. Catch new seasonal items like the Maudlinbug Jar Emote and returning rewards such as the Long Swordfish Longsword Skin. You can even frame your favorite fish as housing decorations at Mount-A-Catch stations.”

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