If you had to run down a personal list of things that survivalbox MMORPG Pax Dei needed to work on, what would that list look like? Would it include the thought that crafting things don’t look pretty enough? Well worry not because that problem is one of those being directly addressed by Mainframe Studios for the game’s next major update.
The announcement post from the game’s Discord showed off several screenshots of new high-quality meshes for crafted items and gathered minerals, all with the aim to make them “as visually pleasing as possible.” Crafted materials will also be in different quality grades, which will be represented by the materials in their visuals.
We expect that there will likely be more to this update than more complex meshes for rocks, sword blades, and leather hides – the announcement also asks players for their thoughts on their favorite weapons in a poll – but for now fans can at least be assured that prettier materials will be one of this patch’s features.