If you were experiencing some more server weirdness while playing Fractured Online yesterday, it wasn’t just you nor was it another moment of the servers falling apart; it was a result of a DDoS attack on the sandbox MMORPG. Presumably because boredom takes many shapes.
Dynamight CEO Jacopo Gallelli offered a brief rundown of the events that unfolded starting at around 2:00 p.m. EDT, when the game’s website started to get sluggish. After that, the same kind of attack occurred, but this time against the game’s servers during a time when Gallelli wasn’t around to help mitigate it. The attacker got around the servers’ latent DDoS protection and caused the Terra world to go completely down.
The good news is that the servers have been restarted and tested, that Gallelli appears to mostly know how the attack happened, and that despite the need for a rollback (again) it will only be for a few minutes’ time. Even so, subscribers to the game will be receiving 24 hours’ worth of sub benefits regardless of if they were active or expired less than 24 hours ago.
“I always wondered when we would be the victims of our first DDOS,” mused Gallelli in his announcement.
“Really, somebody wanted to DDoS poor little Fractured?” sighed MOP’s Bree this morning on hearing the news. Yes, boss, yes someone did.