Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where usually Eliot talks about something so weird nobody would ever be able to guess what it’ll be ahead of time, and then we all just talk about the video games we’re playing this weekend as if nothing weird just happened. It’s a whole mood. But anyway, Eliot’s off, and it’s just me, and so I’m just going to talk about Star Wars Galaxies for a few hours.
Just kidding. I’m really just trying to see who’s gonna get big mad over the word sportsball. So tell us what MMOs you’re playing this weekend, and then here’s the bonus question: Now that the summer Olympics are over, what’s your favorite Olympic sport?
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m super hooked on Guild Wars 2 again, so any time I can claw out of the weekend will be spent in there.
I’m an indoor volleyball person, followed by tennis. Volleyball is in my blood thanks to my dad (but not in my cards; I’m 5’1″ lol). Everything else is fine too – like it’s kind of required that you at least watch gymnastics and ice skating and beach volleyball when that sport is on in an Olympic year, right? – but those are my favorites, the stuff I would watch any day. There are a few that I shy away from because people are constantly falling down (or falling off horses, ahem), though. Trampoline just makes me too nervous to watch it. My husband loves diving, but it stresses me out.
I will say I tried watching surfing this year, and wow, it did not work. Hours of watching people paddle waiting for a decent wave was not the vibe. That’s a sport that works way better in the replays of the good stuff.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’m slowly pushing further and further into the engineering grind in Elite: Dangerous, so that is going to once again be my primary focus for the weekend. I also will once more peek into Lord of the Rings Online to play a new Warden and see what that Beyond the Shadow thing is all about. Past that, it’s more of my usual dailies in Final Fantasy XIV and probably a return visit to Wayfinder.
One of my favorite Olympic sports is figure skating. I always used to watch that with my mom growing up, so it’s kind of a foundational part of my life, to say nothing of how incredibly pretty the sport generally is.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): It’s been a hell of a week. By which I mean that has been a week, and I am in hell. Probably some Final Fantasy XIV, I guess.
I’ve never really cared for the Olympics and I generally don’t watch a whole lot of sports in general, so these things feed into one another. That being said, while I definitely think figure skating is high in the running (yes, I agree with Chris on this wholeheartedly, although not sharing his mom, obviously), my preference for Olympic sports in general is something that doesn’t otherwise show up very often. Like, how cool is it that gymnastics is an Olympic sport? It’s not like baseball or basketball or games you see televised constantly. People just love gymnastics and push themselves to the highest levels just for this Olympic competition. That is awesome to me.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): While I’m at level 80 in World of Warcraft, I still have a ton of War Within side quests to do. So I’ll be focusing on those as well as leveling up my lowbie Lore-master in Lord of the Rings Online.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m hoping to get some time in Prince of Persia Lost Crown as well as Once Human. I tried to play it a few times, but my gaming sessions were truncated, and I didn’t even get through the prologue/tutorial. I’m also still logging into HP Magic Awakened too, but knowing that the end is so close it’s really just going through the motions without any real meaning.
Bonus: I really had fun watching the tennis, but I think my favorite is the track and field races. All of them. From sprints to the long hauls, they are so exciting to watch.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I will be playing something I’m not sure I can talk about, and whatever time I have left will go to WoW. Got my Warlock to 80, so now I can start the real game: leveling alts.
Bonus question: I’m from Canada; I’ll be deported if I don’t say hockey. I also enjoy sports based on agility, like gymnastics and figure skating, largely because I’m such an incredible klutz I can’t imagine how anyone can be that coordinated.