Blizzard injects gamers with a double dose of Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 lore


Where do you sit on the spectrum of interest in video game lore? Your answer will determine whether or not you’re going to engage with a couple new offerings from Blizzard this week on Diablo IV and Overwatch 2.

For the latter, the studio posted a new short story called Heroes Ascendant: Lost Ghosts: “For Ana, protecting her loved ones is a mission that’s never complete. Join her as she fights through her past and present for an even better future in the Heroes Ascendant short story.”

Juno has also gotten a dev blog on her production:

And then for Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred, Blizzard posted an animated comic book-style video where the sage Akarat gives you some backstory of this upcoming expansion:

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