WRUP: The final edition

Oh, this is much better.

All right, that’s it, I’m done. We’ve run this joke as far as it possibly can in the headers of What Are You Playing. I have officially hit the limits of this format after a decade or so of doing bizarre pseudo-Dadaist jokes in the header every single week through good and bad times in my life (and boy howdy, right now they are really bad times). The randomness is played out, the bizarre leaps are expected, every joke I think I haven’t made before has usually been made a few times before now, and really my best jokes have already happened. Some of them are pretty great but there’s just no point any longer. Sorry, folks. I hope you had fun with WRUP during my joke tenure, it’s been a long run.

That doesn’t mean we’ll stop doing the weekly feature or anything, it just means that from now on it’s just going to be calm and I’m not going to be trying to make weird jokes out of the intro any more. We can talk about normal things and have normal introductions to telling us what you are doing during the weekend. Look forward to that.

That’s it. Why are you still here? Go down.

Bonus question: What food, however unrealistic, would you love to be able to get in a “bottomless” form at a restaurant?

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m deep in Guild Wars 2, but I’m gonna be busy this weekend, so hopefully I get some time in. My husband and I went back to S4 and got our rollerbeetles this week, so we’re still mucking around there, and I’m working on mapping Vabbi on my Holosmith.

Does this question assume our stomachs are also in bottomless form? If so, endless refills on cheesecake!

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’m not sure what I’ll be up to, if I’m very honest. I’m probably going to not play any games at all and perhaps just… read a book or something instead. I had a lot of projects and I’m a wee bit fried if I’m very honest.

Speaking of fried: I would definitely want bottomless chicken tenders. I’m kind of a fiend for fried chicken dishes – or chicken in general – so that would be my go-to.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Playing some Final Fantasy XIV (there’s a live letter about patch 7.1 this weekend, so that’ll be something) and also, as hinted at on Friday, a fair chunk of Satisfactory. I’m satisfied by this factory sim.

Falafel. Holy jeez, I love falafel. I would happily kill myself by just eating falafel until there was no falafel left to eat.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): There’s an XP boost event in Lord of the Rings Online this weekend, so I’m going to allocate some extra time to power level a Mariner for a bit. Apart from that? Probably some side quests in World of Warcraft: The War Within, maybe a bountiful delve or two.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): Not much gaming this weekend. I’ll knock out my dailies in Harry Potter Magic Awakened but that’ll be the majority of it. Honestly most of my game time will be in fantasy football. Does that count? Probably not because even I’ve never mentioned it besides now and I’ve played every football season for the past decade at least.

Bonus: popcorn all the way. I just love popcorn so much. I literally can’t get enough. When I’m at a theater and it’s an option, I’ll eat at least two full monster bowls myself. You can’t stop me.

Tyler Edwards (blog): Continuing in World of Warcraft. Got four alts at level cap, and my paladin is almost there. I really love how much the endgame has changed. It’s such a better fit for a mainly solo player like me. I might also fit in some Age of Mythology: Retold, as the Immortal Pillars announcement has me hyped.

Bonus question: I’m not sure I can settle on just one thing. Edamame, Odd Burger’s soft-serve ice cream, pakoras, Indian food in general.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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