MMO sandbox BitCraft is launching its third closed alpha next week


BitCraft’s latest letter from the producer heralds another big milestone for the game, as Clockwork Labs is launching closed alpha 3 as of November 12th.

“[I]t will be exciting — because it will be a little dangerous again,” the devs write. “We always wanted Bitcraft to be a true survival game with all the main features connoisseurs of this genre enjoy while offering player types who prefer a more cozy and social game play room, and fun without being afraid of their lives all the time.”

While past tests have focused on character and town building, this leg of the test will reintroduce hostile mobs: “There are creatures out there that want to eat you and you need to eat too.”

The alpha 3 will also put the new settlement mechanics to the test; they’ll provide noobs a place to get started, but players will still need to head to higher-end player towns for lategame progression.

“During earlier tests we found the vast majority of players were either starting their own claim or joining one of a trusted friend, this led to most of the player population playing separated in their siloed settlements. The intent for BitCraft was always to have much fewer settlements than players so that settlements would actually be social and trading hubs full of many people, but the game as it previously was, was encouraging the opposite. Now all towns are more public, allowing any player to walk into any town and use it as if it was an NPC town in a traditional MMO, all without any downside to the settlement owner.”

Signups for the testing is smack dab on the official site.

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