You’d never buy a car without test-driving it, would you? If only that applied to games and you could take Das Tal for a spin before sinking your support into its Kickstarter… Oh wait, you can! Fairytale Distillery wants players to see what they are supporting so the studio has opened the alpha servers for one day. That means for 24 hours anyone can jump in and experience a taste of that this open PvP sandbox has to offer, and that time is right now.
To play, just download the client and use the key free4all. The dev team is also communicating directly with players during the playtests, so it invites folks to also join their teamspeak server. If you happen to like what you see once you play, Das Tal recently added a less expensive backer tier. But you’d have to hurry; the Kickstarter ends the same time the alpha doors close — at 9:00 a.m. EDT, Wednesday, June 10th.
If you can’t personally take advantage of this alpha offer, we’ve got you covered: The Stream Team will be jumping in and sharing the experience with you this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. on OPTV!