Let’s drop the TLDR version of Ascent: Infinite Realm‘s backstory here to make sure we’re all on the same page. There’s lots of war on the planet, one faction takes off into the sky, catastrophe hits and everyone else dies, the sky faction starts bringing back souls. Good? Awesome. Because not all of the souls brought around during the aforementioned “everyone dies” bit have wound up on the metaphorical side of the angels, some of them have wound up in the soldiers of a group called the Black Hand.
Surprising absolutely no one, these guys seem pretty sinister! You can check out some of their enemy designs now, including the Gradog (big dudes with hammers), the Grazard (lizardmen with gas masks), and the Grawise (probably someone’s Bloodborne OC). They look appropriately weird and creepy to make up an enemy group, so check them out if you haven’t already.
AIR is the steampunk/fantasy MMORPG announced by Bluehole (yes that Bluehole) at the tail end of 2017, set to port westward under the watch of Kakao (yes that Kakao). It is expected to launch in the west in 2019.