That subtitle isn’t a lie, folks! It turns out that when you re-release a well-known and classic multiplayer title on a new platform, people will flock to it, as they have launched to the Halo: Reach remastered edition available on Steam right now. The game even managed to reach the third-most-played ranking on Steam’s concurrent user counts, coming in ahead of everything aside from DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike. So if you wanted to make sure there would be a population in the game for multiplayer shooting before you bought that Master Chief collection, well… there, it’s in place.
Of course, Halo: Reach is just the first title in the aforementioned collection to arrive on Steam, as all of the various titles in the series are planned to be added to the platform, with Halo 4 in 2020 serving as the final addition to the collection. That’s a whole lot of aliens to shoot in single-player and a whole lot of multiplayer shooting action to bring over if you were one of the fans of the game’s multiplayer modes on the Xbox.