Last week, Crowfall rolled out the prepwork for what it called “campaign configuration knobs” – essentially, tools that would allow the developers to adjust and tweak each campaign at the onset with specialty rulesets that touch on everything from leveling to economy on the map. The first configured Dregs campaign, Wolfe, was set to begin last night, and it did just that.
Set to run through April 24th, this particular Dregs campaign doesn’t allow vessels to be imported into or exported from the campaign at the end, although rewards will most definitely carry out; all characters begin at level 1, with double experience gained from NPC kills; guilds and alliances are limited to 12 members logged into a world at a time; there are no keeps; forts are easier to build; and crafting and resources have been significantly streamlined into “lite modes” that make more sense for what is a 10-day event.
Worth noting is that there’s already a Shadow campaign, Hawke, running with a much longer duration; it doesn’t end until May 8th and does allow imports and exports of characters.
Crowfall, of course, is a Kickstarted PvP MMORPG that launched last summer, but its low population resulted in layoffs and a buyout. Our own PvP columnist Sam Kash headed back into the a few weeks ago, finding the game to still be fun and full of potential but low on actual players.