In the vast majority of MMOs, death does not actually carry too strict a penalty. We all know that. Your character dies, you lose some money or some time or maybe even some items, you pick yourself back up and you go again. That’s just reality. But we all have very different approaches to character death, ranging from watching a monster you can’t beat rush at you with a “well, whatever” to actively tearing across an entire zone panicked at the thought that you might lose some of your precious hard-won experience in the process.
Some of this is because of the first games you played, obviously; if your first game took your items and experience when you died, you’re naturally more likely to do everything in your power to avoid dying. But some of it is also just down to personal preference and how much you get invested in your character on the screen. So how scared are you of death in MMOs? How far do you go to avoid dropping?