Not the bees! MMO sandbox Trove launches its Spring Fling event


Gamigo is following up Bunfest in Trove with yet another spring event: Spring Fling, headlined by no less than Sir Dapper Duckington, Esquire. “The Bees have taken in Neon City, and the Waspiders followed suit,” the studio says. “Today publisher gamigo teases Trove’s Spring Fling 2024, now with more questlines, more prizes, and EVEN MORE Waspiders.”

“Sir Dapper Duckington Esquire has returned, once again setting up shop to sell Spring Flingers to the good people of Neon City and Luminopolis. The event also includes a revitalized six-step quest chain focused on saving bees and rewarding endgame currencies useful for all players. Additionally, beehives now spawn in Neon City and Luminopolis. When Trovians complete a 1-star dungeon anywhere a beehive can spawn, beehives will sometimes appear out of chests!”

Incidentally, Gamigo is calling Trove an “open-world multiplayer sandbox” in this press release, but it is most definitely an MMORPG and has been since we first played it a decade ago. But we can let that little blip go as the company actually put together a video for the event, and it heavily features the aforementioned Neon City, one of the best biomes in the game. We’ll take it!

Source: Press release
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