SGF 2024: Airship sandbox Echoes of Elysium releases new trailer about the fun of sky captaincy


Ready to take to the virtual skies in your own hand-crafted airship? After its initial reveal earlier this spring, Echoes of Elysium is making a pitch for the attention of wanna-be airship pilots.

In a late May dev blog, the ex-Mythic Entertainment team at Loric Games shared how customizable airships are the “core” of Echoes of Elysium: “They are more than just transportation, they are the place that you live, where you do most of your gathering and crafting, and a place that you will call home.”

Players have to consider size, weight, capacity, and function of the shops they’ll build at the various drydocks around the sky islands. The team said that it’s currently working on the feel of piloting and how collision works with a physics engine.

You can check out a new trailer for Elysium’s airships that just debuted this weekend at IGN Live:

Source: YouTube
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