BitCraft takes a tour of some of the settlements players built during its July alpha test


Last month saw the sandbox BitCraft begin its second alpha test after some delay and it looks as if players were very busy establishing their settlements and empires if a recent preview video and chart is anything to go by.

The video in question grants a 4K resolution cinematic flythrough of five such player settlements, each one increasing in size and complexity as the two minute-long runtime progresses. Clockwork Labs points out that there were many more cool places to explore during the test but the studio could only highlight a few.

As for that aforementioned chart, it showcases the top 10 empires established by players in terms of number of owned territories and map coverage, with the Whispering Wastes empire being a clear winner with over 1,000 territories and coverage of 16 percent of the map. So as you can see in both embed below, empire building appears to be a pretty sticky feature for this developing MMO.

sources: YouTube, Twitter
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