So World of Warcraft is getting player housing, and this announcement was so big that nobody seems to remember or be talking about anything else from last Wednesday’s Warcraft Direct event. All we want to hear is more – more details and more information on this upcoming system, that is.
Enter Game Director Ion Hazzikostas and Assistant Lead Quest Designer Mark Kelada, who sat down with Taliesin and Evitel to talk a very little bit about housing — and why it won’t be a repeat of garrisons. We’ve included the full video below (player housing is discussed only for the first six minutes), but if you want the quick-and-dirty details, we’ve got that too:
- Player housing as a topic’s been brought up in Blizzard as long as WoW has been around: “We know that to do it, we needed to do it right,” the devs say.
- A lot of work was done for the “tech underpinnings” to make it possible.
- Blizzard is being coy about what will and won’t be in the player housing system, only saying that it’ll be sharing more in the year ahead leading up to Midnight.
- Learning from garrisons’ mistakes, Blizzard wants this new system to be more “social” than “non-social.”
- “It’s not a player power feature. That’s not what we’re doing here.”
- There will be more than Stormwind-style housing, so Horde players don’t have to fret.
- “[Housing will] be the beginning of a long arc and evolving feature and not a one-off single expansion feature.”