Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Life is Feudal transforms into an MMO with its March beta test

A long time ago, back in the stone ages of 2014, Bitbox did alpha testing for its upcoming MMO, Life is Feudal. It was an...
At the risk of sounding passive, I think she gets to determine... oh, you meant SHE'S entering. Never mind.

Crowfall shows off the Ranger archetype

The next major round of Crowfall testing isn't going to just feature another gameplay mode. It is going to feature that, yes, but it's...

Star Citizen has a ‘surprise’ in store for Alpha 2.1

Hailing frequencies are open, captain, and a new Star Citizen broadcast is coming through, loud and clear. CIG has published its latest episode of...

ARK’s 25th digest discusses dino nerfs, contest winners, and new ideas

It's only been a few days since the tamed dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved were beaten nearly senseless with the nerf bat; stats were...

Crowfall hits 100,000 website signups, runs ‘snap tests’

As Crowfall tackles 2016 head-on, the team behind this PvP MMO is celebrating its 100,000th "Crow" to register on its website. ArtCraft posted new...

H1Z1 shows off damage states and new zombie design

Visuals and animations can make or break an MMO for many, so it's important that the art team not be lollygagging around when there's...

SWG-inspired sandbox Divergence Online is now on Steam early access

If you've been waiting over the last week for Valve to approve Divergence Online for its inevitable Steam early access release, wait no longer:...
Party hard.

Black Desert is keeping energy potions out of the cash shop

The first Black Desert beta test has happened, and the developers are taking in feedback and making changes. What does that mean? Well... change,...

Bless Online launches a new website with a countdown to the announcement of open beta

The new website for Bless Online is not hosting the final countdown. It's hosting a countdown to a countdown. The game has a new...

Wizard Online takes a stab at a full-fledged VR MMO

With virtual reality headsets hitting the market, a hot topic in the MMO community has been over when we'll be seeing VR merge with...

The Division’s ARG wants you to scan your money to see how dirty it is

Do you want to know how much pee is on your money? The Division is here to help you find out. Cash Contagion, a new...

Choose My Adventure: Trying on the Shroud of the Avatar

Hello friends, and welcome to the new year's first installment of Choose My Adventure. As you may have noticed, I took a bit of...

Should you play Black Desert or Blade & Soul?

Just the other day we were discussing in the office the differences between Black Desert and Blade & Soul, and I said that I...
This'll be a great idea.

EVE: Valkyrie’s alpha test will kick off on January 18th

If you've already put your money down for the $599 Oculus Rift, you might be curious about when you can actually get some games...
Probably not this one, then.

The Oculus Rift costs a staggering $599

Did you think the Oculus Rift would be $350? Not so fast: Oculus is asking $599 US for its sweet chunk of virtual reality equipment. As...

Mark Jacobs talks about Camelot Unchained’s balance and classes

If there's one thing that you should know about City State Entertainment's Mark Jacobs is that the man likes to talk at great length,...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft’s Legion testing will return with a new build and new content

There's still no word on exactly when the test servers for World of Warcraft: Legion will come back online following the winter break, but...

World of Tanks rolls out a new PS4 beta test this weekend

If you missed out on World of Tanks' first beta test on the PlayStation 4, then you'll have another shot at it as the...

New Crowfall lore introduces Maeve, Empress of the Sea

Crowfall has today introduced a new goddess to the game's pantheon: Maeve, Empress of the Sea, Daughter of Carnage, the Tempest Queen, Goddess of War,...

Revival seeks more fans, plans investment into the game in 2016

On the verge of getting the Stage 1 client of Revival released, IllFonic posted a start-of-the-year newsletter to rally the faithful and encourage them to...