
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV do for melee damage dealers in Endwalker?

This particular role is the easiest one to fill up whenever there's any column about the various roles getting stuff added in Final Fantasy XIV....

Not So Massively: Diablo II Resurrected is a lot of old school jank in a pretty wrapper

I admit I debated whether I should write this column at all: After all that's happened lately, giving coverage to Blizzard games doesn't feel...

Interview: Crowfall’s Global Conquest update brings ‘mega’ changes to the world

Today we are being treated to the latest and greatest Crowfall has to offer with Update 7.100, better known as Global Conquest. We're expecting...

One Shots: Fantasy updrafting

The way I see it, MMORPGs encourage us past our timidity and fear to be bold. So fight that dragon! Get a selfie with...
Not bad.

The Daily Grind: What inspires you to try an MMO again?

Working around MMOs means that you have a certain amount of impetus and opportunity to try out games you played in the past, often...

Massively on the Go: Tricks abound in Pokemon Go for September and Season of Mischief

And you thought Christmas was bad! We're getting ready for Halloween already in Pokemon Go, and not just for the monthly events. The new...
I suppose it's cheaper than actually hiring someone to design these spaces?

The Game Archaeologist: Jeff Butler on EverQuest, EverQuest Next, and Vanguard

As an MMO historian, I have to applaud the work of former SOE developer Shawn Lord in his huge interview series with the people...
Travels of booking

Betawatch: Book of Travels postponed its early access yet again

Come on now, Book of Travels, we know you're shy but it's time to start putting yourself out there. The game has once again delayed...

GDC 2021: War stories from World of Warcraft

Just before the news about the state litigation against Activision-Blizzard broke last month, Senior Software Engineer Joseph Cochron and Principal Software Engineer Kurtis McCathern...
Boredom sets in.

Vague Patch Notes: Why the depth of an MMORPG’s world matters

The world doesn't need first impressions from me when it comes to Elyon. Why not? Well, for one thing, basically anything and everything I would have...

Massively Overthinking: The worst chat in the MMORPG genre

The first rule of MMORPGs is turn off global chat. Think about that for a sec. This is a genre that is expressly multiplayer...
Yes, I'm aware of the disconnect of using this as an example, just move past it.

The Daily Grind: Do you regret not backing any MMO Kickstarters?

Let's be real about something - there are a lot of MMO Kickstarters that crash and burn well before getting to the "launch" stage....
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that waved goodbye without ever making it to launch

If you've somehow missed this fact, then I hate to be the one to inform you of it, but it's time you learned: MMOs...

Choose My Adventure: A quick spot of building and crafting in Trove

I have to admit, this one didn't take long at all to get through. I sort of assumed that building things in Trove was...

LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s Rhovanion zones from worst to best

A while back, I amused myself by ranking all of the Eriador zones in Lord of the Rings Online. It was a fun exercise...

Fight or Kite: How Guild Wars 2’s Harbinger, Willbender, and Virtuoso stack up in PvP

Guild Wars 2 has always been my go-to home for MMOs. There’s just so much the studio did right when designing the game. But...
Sing a song of madness.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s cash shop and the existential horror of monetization

The fact that there's a cash shop in Final Fantasy XIV is something that is absolutely impossible to discuss in a value-neutral fashion. Simply...

One Shots: Catniss Everkeen

"The true endgame of FFXIV is fashion, but in the process of documenting my many many glamours sometimes I get a cool action shot,"...
Back then.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you played with the worst voice acting?

There was a particular line from the male Norn back in the beta for Guild Wars 2 that made me laugh much more than...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why Lord of the Rings Online is worth playing in 2021

It has come to my attention that there are more MMO nomads than normal this summer who are casting about for a new game...