
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Choose My Adventure: I think I accidentally turned my Cleric into a Necromancer in RIFT

One of the big selling points in RIFT has always been the ability to combine three of the game's Souls into a custom class....
I'm sure it's a coincidence.

Casually Classic: In defense of a good ‘looking for group’ tool in World of Warcraft

While World of Warcraft certainly made a number of questionable design decisions over the years, for my money one of the absolute best moves...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The experimental nature of Final Fantasy XIV’s Blue Mage

One of my half-serious predictions during the initial batch of predictions for Final Fantasy XIV's big reveal showcase was that we'd learn about a...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends is messy, deep, and more of an MMO than you think

I can't remember the last time I struggled so much deciding whether I like a game or not. I'm a fan of ARPGs, and...

Global Chat: Giddy over SWTOR’s Dark Descent

For MMO blogs that only cover a single game, an announcement of an upcoming content release is like a mini-Christmas all to itself. This...

One Shots: Dearly beloved

If you gotta get married in an MMORPG and don't want to spare any expense, Final Fantasy XIV has the most luxurious and extravagant...
Should or shouldn't?

The Daily Grind: What informs your cosmetic choices in MMOs?

The days in which it was an active debate whether or not a given MMO should have a system of cosmetics have passed us by,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Finding purpose in Lord of the Rings Online’s Wildwood

In what promises to be quite the busy year for Lord of the Rings Online, the game's first content update -- Wildwood -- arrived...

Betawatch: Magic Legends hits the open beta soft launch

If you're worried about your launches being too hard-edged and solid, consider a nice soft launch like the one Magic Legends has done. The open...
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: Why aren’t we getting more customization options in Shadowlands?

You might be surprised that I haven't written a piece in WoW Factor yet about the BlizzConline announcement that we would get no new...

Hands-on with Monster Hunter Rise: Well-worth the cost of admission

Well, as Monster Hunter Rise is finally out. We received a pair of review copies at the last minute, so with about 10 hours...

Massively Overthinking: What are your MMO character customization dealbreakers?

Back in February, when BlizzConline was at its height, part of the World of Warcraft community lost its mind over the revelation that Blizzard...

Massively of the Go: Pokemon Go’s April events bring snakes, trash, and mysteries

Pokemon Go's St. Patrick's Day "had no effect" on at least one snake: Snivy! But fortunatelt, the Gen 5 pokemon is getting its own...

Desert Oasis: The problem with Black Desert’s season servers – and how to fix it

Black Desert's had some exceptional growth over the past year. What I've always liked about this game is that it's never tried to be...

Vague Patch Notes: The fine art of shutting yourself up (so you can enjoy MMOs again)

This week, an unusual thing happened to me: I didn't really want to write this column. This may not sound all that unusual to you,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has your favorite combat animations?

When the time comes, almost every MMO has a moment when it's time for you to start cracking heads instead of chatting and socializing....

Choose My Adventure: What Wizard101 taught me about ‘kiddie’ MMOs

My brief time in Wizard101 has pointed out to me a rather deep-seated assumption I had held about the game. Granted, I had said...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The wide umbrella of MMOs and online gaming subgenres

Let's be realistic here, "MMO" as a term covers a whole lot of different game styles. I know this is a particular topic that...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Lessons Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons can learn from previous expansions

Any expansion announcement for any MMO is always a cause for excitement, but it's been four years since Guild Wars 2 shipped a new...

Casually Classic: How World of Warcraft made bad graphics look good

When I returned to World of Warcraft Classic in 2019, I steeled myself to be vastly underwhelmed by the visuals. I'm not a graphics...