Tiptoeing through ArcheAge’s 2015
It has been quite a year for ArcheAge. As you look back over the past 12 months, you certainly can't say 2015 was uneventful;...
Perfect Ten: The MMORPGs to watch in 2016
A long time ago on another website far, far away, I held a tradition of kicking off the new year by listing the top...
Massively Opinionated: Is Star Citizen’s ‘first-person universe’ really a new genre?
Larry hosts MMO Bomb's Mike Byrne in a debate over topics ranging from Star Citizen to Overwatch!
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 predictions for 2016
2015 is coming to a close, and I've eaten my own bodyweight (and then some!) in festive treats, so it's the perfect time to...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR predictions for 2016
“Difficult to see. Always in motion the future is,” Yoda explained to Luke Skywalker on Dagobah when the boy had a vision of his...
Not So Massively: Top 10 most surprising NSM stories of 2015
Back in 2011, our former corporate overlords at Massively-of-old noticed that games like League of Legends were getting pretty damn popular and asked us to work...
Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on Final Fantasy XIV’s 2016
I have high hopes for 2016. Higher hopes than I did for 2015, at least. 2015 also started out with my being fired for...
EVE Evolved: 2015 EVE Online year in review
It's been a busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online and developer CCP Games. EVE received more updates throughout 2015 than in any previous year, though...
The MOP Up: A look behind A Realm Reborn (December 27, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The MMORPG adventures you chose in 2015
When the Choose My Adventure column was first begun many years ago on Massively-that-was, it was an adventure entirely in the hands of the readers. The...
One Shots: A blast of winter joy
Aw, you guys! The call for winter and holiday screenshots proved to be a sustaining request, as many of you kept sending in more...
The Game Archaeologist: Asheron’s Call 2
MMO sequels are funny animals. Sequels (along with prequels and "reimaginings") are ingrained into the entertainment industry so deep that it makes sense that...
Betawatch: Camelot Unchained’s crafting is no laughing matter (December 25, 2015)
Happy holidays to those celebrating a holiday today! Happy just today for everyone else! And an extra-special dose of happy for people who like...
Jukebox Heroes: The 2015 Online VGM Awards
With another year coming to a close, I thought it would be an opportune time to go back and give out flippant awards to...
EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s Frostfell 2015
Ahh, 'tis the season: When goodies galore are hidden inside a magical closet and gigglegibber goblins give out gifts. Yes, it's Frostfell time! And...
Perfect Ten: The 10 best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2015
There is no way we can list all of the great updates in a given year. It's not possible. We are always going to...
Ask Mo: Massively OP’s 2015 awards debrief
Massively OP's formal 2015 awards technically ended on Friday, though we've got a few stragglers and roundups left to go. As I do every year, today I'll round...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR developers reflect on 2016
We all have those things in our lives that continue to pull at us, drive us, to learn more or do more. Sometimes it...
Wisdom of Nym: Why Final Fantasy XIV’s Anima Weapons don’t bother me
Everyone who has listened to my rantings for an extended period of time knows that I did not like the Zodiac Weapon quests in...
MMO Mechanics: 2015’s MMORPG mechanics in review
It's my favourite time of the year once again: The mulled wine is flowing, the festive lights are all aglow, the weather outside is...