Throne and Liberty’s Wilds of Talandre gains an initially mixed reception from players
It's a big launch weekend for Throne and Liberty as the NCsoft and Amazon MMORPG brought its Wilds of Talandre update online, and with...
WRUP: New Voltron ideas if you pay me a hundred bucks edition
Join us for our weekly open thread! We're discussing what MMOs we're playing this weekend and answering a bonus question about strawberry foods.
The Daily Grind: Would a Star Wars The Old Republic progression server work?
A few years ago, it seemed like progression servers were all the rage in MMOs. And why not? They're a great way to revisit...
SWG Legends confirms Jedi Themepark 2.0 is coming this year as devs consider apartment tweaks
Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends has released its winter newsletter this past week as the server celebrates its ninth birthday. But the...
The Stream Team: Starting over with a different character in Blade & Soul NEO
The voting public spoke and MOP's Chris is listening: He'll be starting afresh in Blade & Soul NEO with a new character that's a...
ARK Survival Ascended wrestles with repeated DDoS attacks and console-specific crashes
Over the past three weeks, players trying to get in to ARK: Survival Ascended have been having a lot of trouble, and we all...
LOTRO Legendarium: The forging of new communities in LOTRO’s great server migration
As I write this, it's Tuesday morning, and we are well underway in what I'm calling the Great Server Migration of 2025 in Lord...
Storyboard: How do you roleplay in MMOs that don’t want you to roleplay?
Readers, I am about to blow your minds. Are you ready to have your minds absolutely blown? It's going to be a huge shock,...
APB Reloaded is fully online after a month in the void as Little Orbit calls Fallen Earth its ‘next big priority’
After a month offline, APB Reloaded is fully back - and we don't just mean the test server.
At the beginning of February, both Little...
Lord of the Rings Online hopes to finally open 64-bit servers today as transfers remain in limbo
On the dawn of a day that was supposed to be the next great era of Lord of the Rings Online's history, a week...
The Daily Grind: How often do you update your Steam reviews of MMOs and multiplayer games?
MMO veteran Scott Hartsman recently skeeted a gamedev article about Steam reviews, specifically looking at the data on whether or not spending time replying...
Massively Overthinking: What should MMO corpse runs look like in 2025?
A couple of years ago - yeah, I save weird things in my "ideas bin" folder - MMO designer Damion Schubert tweeted about a...
Lord of the Rings Online’s transfer woes persist into third day, 64-bit servers coming Friday
Suffice it to say, this hasn't been the triumphant week that Standing Stone Games was hoping for Lord of the Rings Online. What was...
The Daily Grind: Have you ever been bounced off of a new MMO because it was too easy?
If you have played enough MMOs over time (like, say, if it's your job) you have absolutely played some MMOs where you have to...
The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming rides shotgun for more Elite Dangerous space combat
MOP's MJ and Chris are riding shotgun in the cockpit of a big internet spaceship once more for tonight's Backseat Streaming. That's right, it's...
Black Desert is promoting a Korea tourism package inspired by Land of the Morning Light
Black Desert's Land of the Morning Light and Land of the Morning Light: Seoul expansions have been a beacon of historical transmedia synergy over...
The Stream Team: More mechs and more problems in MechWarrior 5 Clans
It's time for MOP's Chris and his bestie to continue their bi-weekly tromp through the co-op missions of MechWarrior 5: Clans, and things may...
Lord of the Rings Online delays 64-bit server debut as transfer system is hammered
This is our utter lack of surprise that yesterday's massive attempt to allow Lord of the Rings Online players to move all of their...
The Daily Grind: Why are people reacting so strongly to Stars Reach?
Ever since Playable Worlds fully unveiled Stars Reach, we've seen a huge wave of conversation and interest rise around this sci-fi sandbox MMO. This...
Runes of Magic is turning 16 years old, and it’s giving you a new car
Runes of Magic is old enough to drive this month as the classic Runewaker MMORPG officially turns 16 years old. Publisher Gameforge has unleashed...