
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: What are the moments in MMOs that make you feel powerful?

You know, for all the fun of going back and curbstomping low-level enemies, that doesn't make me feel powerful in an MMO. What makes...

WRUP: The song of Demon Joe who thought an axe was a sword edition

Sit down my friends, and hear a tale of a demon they named Joe, It's a lame name for a demon, I think, but that's...

The Daily Grind: When have you bumped into MMOs in real life?

The other day I was driving through my neighborhood and I happened to look at a cross-street that read WESTFALL. And, being the former...

Battle Bards Episode 138: Wild wild westerns

Boy howdy, is it time for another highfalutin Battle Bards episode? Shucks, looks like! In this week’s show, the trio saddle up for a...
This is wholly appropriate

PlanetSide 2 updates carbines and spawns on the test server while celebrating love in the live game

The latest patch to PlanetSide 2's test servers has some pretty far-reaching changes to the game's spawn system. Previously, the system didn't really direct you...
Let's fight the fighty mans.

Lineage II Classic releases its Saviors update on February 27

The first major update to Lineage II Classic is arriving on February 27th, and it's got some steep new challenges for players. Four new hunting...
The hour is nearly here.

Final Fantasy XIV reveals its schedule for the final Fan Festival in Tokyo

A destination! A new job! Possibly another job! More about new races that has been significantly complicated recently! New areas! Awesome outfits! Yes, the Final...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s mysterious Hrothgar text has no good explanation

It was just supposed to be a minor patch for Final Fantasy XIV and it's touched off a huge flurry of confusion. Someone in the...
Show of hands, who saw this coming? Be honest.

Ashes of Creation is preparing a game director’s letter, fans infer that delays are incoming

It appears that all is not well behind the scenes of Ashes of Creation. Intrepid's Steven Sharif has made a few remarks on the game's...

Villagers & Heroes has been hacked – time to change your passwords

Bad news coming out of the adorable indie crossplatform MMORPG Villagers & Heroes as of last night: The game's been well and truly hacked. "At...

The Daily Grind: How much does nostalgia drive your MMO play?

Blogger and MOP reader Serrenity recently pointed us to a Kotaku article on the subject of video game nostalgia. Author Alyse Knorr maintains that...

Massively Overthinking: Showing up vs. showing off in MMOs

Last week's Daily Grind about ambient sociability got a lot of MMO gamers talking about that desire to have people around, even if they...
On a unicorn.

MapleStory 2 kicks off Project New Leaf, proposes removal of controversial fairfight mechanic

It's always nice to see game devs listening to feedback from their communities, which is exactly what Nexon is doing with MapleStory 2's recently...
Oh, fine.

Champions Online introduces the Midnight archetype

If you were hoping that today would be the day that Champions Online surprised everyone with a huge new bundle of actual content, we're sorry...

Deep-diving AdventureQuest 3D’s Artix Entertainment

Are you familiar with Artix Entertainment? You may not be. That's because this studio flies so far under the radar of drama that face-palming...

CCP’s CCPlease sees CCP appease pleas

One of the problems every MMO faces throughout its lifetime is that it can be difficult to figure out what small quality-of-life issues players...

Elder Scrolls Online: You could dive into Wrathstone’s dungeons, or you could just sleep on a bridge

ZeniMax has a new video up on social media today zeroing in on the dungeon content coming in Elder Scrolls Online's Wrathstone DLC later...
We're here! We're... that's it, actually.

Vague Patch Notes: On play conditioning and the lecture of experience in MMOs

Yes, it's another week in which we talk about abstract concepts that underpin the way we play video games, this time inspired by a...
Your approval fills me with shame.

Roblox appears to have banned PewDiePie’s name

You probably already know of Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie. If you don't... well, PewDiePie exists, he shrieks a lot while playing video...
Surprising no one, we have not pictured the thing we don't know about.

Black Desert Online is in open beta on the Xbox One through February 17

If you like your MMOs on consoles, your spirits black, your combat active, and your classes gender-locked, you should give Black Desert Online a whirl...