
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Very dynamic.

Star Wars: The Old Republic delays its next two patches slightly

The next patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic brings with it a new boss and some pretty significant changes to the game's Conquest...
We were so certain we had this.

MMO business roundup: Steam, toxicity, Kartridge, contracts, dopamine, and guns

What's going on in the online video games business this week? Let's dig in. Steam, toxicity, and Kartridge The Center for Investigative Reporting (via Motherboard) has a...

The Daily Grind: Do you enjoy MMO datamining?

The latest expansion for World of Warcraft hasn't had a whole lot of official announcements made recently, but there's still a steady flow of...
Pretty me up.

Skyforge offers better previews, better symbols, and better trophies

The latest Skyforge patch is out in the wild, and it makes a lot of little things in the game better. Case in point,...

DDO cracks down on exploiters, players cry… ‘honeypot’?

Better not be a cheater in Dungeon and Dragons Online. Last week, Standing Stone Games announced that it was cracking down on players who...
Play soulo?

SoulWorker Online opens its cash shop

We already know that SoulWorker Online will not be wiping characters before its full launch, and now we find that the game is going...
Oh dear.

Latest World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth build adds more Azerite traits, more models, and more text

The latest build for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth's ongoing alpha test is available, and to the surprise of absolutely no one who...

Project Gorgon is heading to Steam Early Access next week

Good news, Project Gorgon fans: The game's early access launch on Steam draws ever closer. It is, in fact, astonishingly close right now. There...
There's not a lot of nice things to say about ArenaNet lately, so I'm glad to find things.

Guild Wars 2 living season AMA covers maps, PvP, API, bugs, avocado smoothies, the Olmakhan, and more

With Guild Wars 2's latest living story episode out of the gate, ArenaNet's devs sat for another Reddit AMA. They don't talk much future...

Dual Universe launches additional crowdfunding with supporter packs

Excited for the release of Dual Universe? The game is still planning for a launch this year, but like any ongoing game project, especially...
hooray sorta

Anonymous sources confirm that Diablo III is headed to the Nintendo Switch

You currently cannot play Diablo III on as many different platforms as you can play, say, Skyrim. But it looks like the number of...

The Daily Grind: How often do you revisit old MMOs?

I am nothing if not a creature of habit, and one of those habits is to revisit MMOs that I've previously played and left....
Everyone likes me, Amelie.

Overwatch lists the most popular heroes in all of its various rankings

If you're unfamiliar with the term "trickle-down meta," the topic of this Overwatch thread likely won't make much sense to you. (In brief, it's...

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth gets its first preview of Azerite spells

The Heart of Azeroth is the big new expansion improvement players will be contending with in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. We know...
Working for the weekend.

SoulWorker Online will not wipe servers but will apparently be IP blocked

There are certain expectations you have when a free-to-play game is in open beta with a full launch planned for later. For example, you...
Goes boom and stuff.

RIFT Prime’s Virgil server launches tomorrow; check out the new forums!

Did you cast a vote on what RIFT ought to name its RIFT Prime server? Welp it's too late now; the winner was Vigil....
This is reasonable.

StarCraft celebrates its 20 year anniversary with celebrations across other games

It's been 20 years since StarCraft was first released to the world, and as a result, Blizzard is taking the time to celebrate the...
Who lives, who dies, do you get stories.

The Daily Grind: Do you multitask while playing MMORPGs?

Years ago, I had the bright idea to go to extremes to multitask while playing World of Warcraft. I set my laptop on a...
are you candy

Dauntless would like to ‘axe’ you about your weapon choice

If you're carrying around an axe in Dauntless, you want to be the kind of fighter who waits for the perfect moment before hacking...

Final Fantasy XI finishes off its new Dynamis areas with Jeuno

The final round of content for the Dynamis - Divergence maps is arriving in Final Fantasy XI in March, and to the surprise of...