
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Massively Overthinking: How will Star Citizen make money after launch?

During this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I attempted to tackle a question sent in by commenter and listener Sally Bowls - specifically,...

Discover actual exoplanets and earn EVE Online rewards – without ever leaving the ship dock

Have you heard in passing this "Project Discovery" thing in EVE Online and wondered what it is all about? CCP put together a new...
Oh, uh. Hey. Hey, guys.

Citadel: Forged With Fire balances all the things with its weekly patch

There's no new content being added to Citadel: Forged With Fire with its latest patch. Instead, this patch is all about squashing bugs, fixing...
Oh, NORMAL gear? That's DUMB.

Dark and Light explains the basics of the refining forge

Why stop at a normal forge? Normal forges are fine, we guess, for doing normal things, but Dark and Light lets you make yourself...

EverQuesting: Is EverQuest II in a downward spiral?

Are we witnessing the death throes of EverQuest II? Of the whole EverQuest franchise? These questions have been at the forefront of my mind lately....
Technical specifications for this airship? Sure!

Final Fantasy XIV posts a teaser site for Patch 4.1: The Legend Returns

The next major patch for Final Fantasy XIV is on its way, and like every patch, it starts with a new portion of the...

WoW’s Running of the Gnomes, BlizzCon’s virtual tickets, and patch 7.3.2 story spoilers

Did you drop $40 on a virtual ticket for BlizzCon 2017? You won't have to wait until the convention starts in November to enjoy...
I fell into a burning fire of fire.

Here’s what’s changed since you last played Guild Wars 2, including Path of Fire’s spec changes

Hey, there's a Guild Wars 2 expansion coming: Path of Fire. Maybe you're coming back for that. Maybe you left the game only a...
Everything old is... still old, but a newer sort of old.

Classic EverQuest’s 24th expansion, Ring of Scale, is set to launch in December

Are you sad that the original EverQuest is so neglected? If so, you are wrong. It's not neglected at all. Even if you have...
As intended.

The Daily Grind: Is inventory management a fundamental part of MMO gameplay?

Growing up mostly on consoles, inventory management was not a big part of gaming when I was younger. Downright irrelevant, even; the question was...
I mean, there are good reasons.

Black Desert is getting a remastered orchestral soundtrack with European orchestras

The upcoming soundtrack remaster for Black Desert is nothing but an upside for fans of the game. If you already like the music in...
Well, there are woods. There might be an elf or two in there.

DDO Players invites Massively OP to chat about gaming, news writing, and podcasting

Haven't had enough of listening to your Massively Overpowered team yakking on and on in both the Massively OP Podcast and Battle Bards? Then...
Bored, though.

DC Universe Online launches its Riddled With Crime update today

Where is Batman? Who will win in the rivalry between the Joker and the Riddler? What's going on at the Gotham Zoo? What's really...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with playable fairies

Probably my greatest and most constant gripe about fantasy MMORPGs is that for all of the freedom and imagination that this genre supposedly boasts,...
Keep seeking.

Star Trek Online launches a new feature episode with LeVar Burton and prepares for Season 14 on October 3

It's time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so it would be weird if Star Trek Online let that...

PvE-centric Fortnite’s new battle royal PvP mode will be free-to-play

Epic Games announced this morning that Fortnite's upcoming PvP mode will essentially be free-to-play. The game was originally touted by Epic as a PvE survival...
Bang bang.

Choose My Adventure: The return to Guild Wars 2

Many moons ago, when I was first hired on Massively-that-was, my fellow hire at the time was a lady by the name of Rubi...

RuneScape players accuse new lockbox promo of promoting gambling to children

RuneScape announced yesterday a new promo that works in conjunction with its existing Treasure Hunter system. It's a bit of a lockbox system, with...
They'll let anyone be a primal these days.

Final Fantasy XIV makes both Sleipnir and financial earnings fly

Players have long awaited the chance to make Sleipnir, the mount of the Dark Divinity Odin, soar through the skies in Final Fantasy XIV....
Big empty.

Steam changes review scores to histograms in an effort to fight review bombing

If you've never heard of "review bombing" on Steam, we envy you. The process goes something like this: Something causes a certain group of...