
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Hyperspace Beacon: A roleplayer’s SWTOR wishlist

The dawn of a new year is a great time for many people to hit a tiny reset button on life. I’m doing that personally....

Blizzard’s copyright lawsuit against Chinese game-maker is dismissed

Today's big news is that you can copy as many characters from World of Warcraft as you want without any legal penalties whatsoever. Blizzard's...
If you know the difference between this and your head, you're in a good place.

Shards Online adds referral options and details player-run merchants

Have you wanted your friends to join you in Shards Online? You've got an extra tool for making that happen with the addition of...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever just hang out inside MMORPGs?

When the MMORPG genre was young, I spent a lot of time inside of MMORPGs not doing much besides standing or sitting around and...

Jumping onto a Final Fantasy XIV Japanese server can be a culture shock

Have you ever been curious about how different the Final Fantasy XIV experience is on its native Japanese servers? One English-speaking player decided to...
Hey, kids! I bet you thought I was dead!

Check out legendary Hearthstone cards with their inspirations from World of Warcraft

It's no secret that Hearthstone takes its inspiration from World of Warcraft. The former is meant to be inspired by the latter. That means...
Myth: Lalafell have to be irritating cutesy-boop piles of crap.

Wisdom of Nym: Elitism and playing properly in Final Fantasy XIV

There was a thread on the official Final Fantasy XIV forums back about... I want to say a million years ago? Maybe two million?...

RIFT raiding guild drama results in player suspensions

Guild Wars 2 isn't the only game to have recently been smacked with a spate of raiding guild drama: The normally unassuming MMO themepark...

How to abuse Blade and Soul’s character creator for evil and amusement

There are two types of MMO gamers when it comes to character creation. The first group attempts to craft a character that looks terrific...

Guild Chat: Can MMO progression-seeking become ‘bullying’?

Pull up a chair, help yourself to a leftover mince pie, and make yourself comfortable for another edition of Guild Chat, the place in...

Subdivision names its streets after World of Warcraft

How would you World of Warcraft fans like to live on Ashenvale Way in real life? What about moving into a house on Stormwind...

One Shots: Every shot is awesome!

Today's headlining picture is another debut for One Shots: Funcom's LEGO Minifigures Online. I don't know many people outside of MOP who have even...
You have been removed.

The Daily Grind: Who’s your favorite MMO antagonist?

One of the things I liked about Star Wars: The Old Republic right from its launch is that it gave players plenty of antagonists...

Armored Warfare producer shares plans for the game in 2016

The most recent letter from Armored Warfare's producer specifies that the game is still one with great potential. It's not a negative letter by...

MMORPG science in 2015

Better not scoff at academic research: From Superdata to in-house economists, from feminist theory to Bartle, and from education applications to NASA mapping, science is...
Just a small-town... town.

Skyforge examines the lore of Darnic Village

If you were asked to list the most obviously important places in Skyforge from a lore standpoint, Darnic Village wouldn't be on that list....
The Guitar Hero rush hit us all.

WRUP: Recidivist edition

I was clean. I had been clean for a very long time. Considering my general feelings toward Star Wars as a whole and the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO sequel would you like to see?

Are we past the era of MMO sequels? Maybe yes, but also, maybe no. I like to hedge -- and this industry is always...
Space is so big.

EVE Online looks back at 2015 in its totality

So, how was 2015 for EVE Online? Well, it featured a lot of stuff from the game's development team, definitely. But is that the...

The best Massively OP MMORPG streams of 2015

The number of games our wee little Stream Team covers in the span of a year is staggering. If you ever wanted to know...