
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Perfect World is running a bunch of holiday events

Perfect World Entertainment has brought back its annual winter holiday events to its stable of MMOs. We've mentioned the goings-on in Star Trek Online...

Choose My Adventure: Wrapping up my Guild Wars 2 adventure

Hello again, friends, and welcome to the fourth and final installment of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns edition of Choose My Adventure....

One Shots: The pity violin

Screenshots often tell a story -- or a part of one, at least. They invite us into a moment of a gamer's journey, leaving...
Test pattern.

The Daily Grind: What aspect of modern MMO testing bothers you?

Beta testing doesn't bother me. Alpha-testing as a public thing doesn't bother me too much either. But pre-alpha? You're calling what you're doing a...

Skyforge shows off some incredible fan art

Want to see some incredible fan-produced MMO art? Look no further than Skyforge's Pantheon Propaganda contest finalists. The sci-fantasy title from Allods Team and...
Just assume one of these people is Susan. I do not like Susan.

WRUP: Winning an argument with Susan five years after our divorce in a passive-aggressive fashion edition

Not many of you know this because I had no intention of really making a thing out of it, but I have been divorced...

The Daily Grind: Will we ever see a smash hit mobile MMO?

I acknowledge the fact that not every MMO fan is craving for a more portable online gaming experience. There's a lot of wariness out there,...
Make the things do the stuff.

EVE Online welcomes back lapsed accounts to test its new server hardware

You remember that EVE Online is testing out some new hardware for its live servers, yes? Awesome. Because you're invited to take part in...

WoW Factor: Legion testing is an exercise in absurd decisions

One of my favorite bits from The Office is when Michael is having his budget explained to him. You don't need to know the...

The Daily Grind: How can MMORPGs capitalize on the success of single-player sandboxes?

Yesterday, Wired published an intriguing editorial that argued "open worlds are changing how we play videogames." Author Jake Muncy is talking about single-player games,...

EVE Online player counted among the victims of mass shooting

The mass-shooting in San Bernadino, California, on Wednesday apparently claimed the life of a popular EVE Online player. According to friends on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, Robert "Photon...

Massively Overthinking: Counting the hits and misses of our 2015 predictions

Every year, we lodge our predictions for the next. Funny, strange, and deadly serious, these predictions are a glance back on the naïvetés of 2014 and...

Check out World of Warcraft’s upcoming class halls

One of the major new features of next year's World of Warcraft: Legion is the class hall system. As the name suggests, class halls...

Star Wars: The Old Republic outlines its December events

Ready for a month full of stuff happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic? If your answer is "no," the good news is that...
Take the high road in the high tower.

Crowfall discusses the true meaning of ‘pre-alpha’

What is an alpha, really? What's the dividing line between an alpha and a pre-alpha when both are playable? If a game has had...
She's on vacation.

Marvel Heroes 2016 delayed until January

Marvel Heroes has something of a tradition of rebranding now, with each new year bringing a new edition of updates and improvements to the...

The Daily Grind: Do you buy max level MMO characters?

The recent news about Lord of the Rings Online's insta-95 struck me as odd. Not only is LotRO's endgame pretty crap, but if ever...
ho ho no

Star Trek Online shows off its winter event rewards

In Star Trek: First Contact, Captain Jean-Luc Picard outright states that human beings in the Federation are no longer motivated by the acquisition of...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE Online discusses installing and testing new server hardware

Server technology is definitely some sort of black alchemy. The new EVE Online server technology is being installed and tested at the CCP Games...
Cats are cats.

Adopt Brightpaw in World of Warcraft and support the Make-A-Wish foundation

How is your cat collection in World of Warcraft? Could it use another cat knocking things off of tables and squawking endlessly with a...