
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Neverwinter outlines the path to masterwork crafting

Masterwork crafting in Neverwinter is not meant to be something you just start doing on your second day of crafting. It's right there in...
Over and over again.

Final Fantasy XIV is hosting a Final Fantasy XI farewell through the end of the year

Not everyone who is playing Final Fantasy XIV right now was originally playing Final Fantasy XI. For players who never explored Vana'diel, the new...
For you it's all in a day.

Final Fantasy XI’s producer bids farewell to the community

After 13 years of development, Final Fantasy XI finally received its final major story update today with the November Version Update. Producer Akhiko Matsui...

Not So Massively: BlizzCon 2015 (November 9, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

Tree of Savior’s Korean open beta starts next month

Tree of Savior's open beta is starting this December... in South Korea. The news comes to us from Steparu, who posted about a Tree of Savior advertisement...

Raph Koster: Game developer, and now published poet

People wear many hats in life, and noted game developer Raph Koster has donned another one that most folks aren't used to seeing him...

Albion Online guild creates narwhal propaganda posters

Narwhals. They're swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion because they are so awesome. I've even heard that they beat polar bears in a...

Wisdom of Nym: Analyzing Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.1 notes

There are a lot of things that I really like about Final Fantasy XIV, a fact that should come as a surprise to practically...
A pet you can no longer have.

World of Warcraft begins its examination of class design with Hunters and Priests

One of the facts repeated throughout BlizzCon was that classes and class fantasies will be getting overhauled in World of Warcraft's next expansion. So...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you played the most?

I updated Lord of the Rings Online over the weekend, and as I was looking at the game in my Steam list, I was...

Lineage II is coming to Steam and adding a new server

Long-lived fantasy MMORPG Lineage II is coming to Steam on November 12th. The announcement post mentions exclusive Steam badges, emoticons, and trading cards. NCsoft...

Star Citizen’s monthly report is out; also, some guy spent $30K on the game

Cloud Imperium has released its monthly development snapshot for Star Citizen. It's a high-level look at what each of the firm's studios has been...

One Shots: Don’t be crabby

I don't think I could take the blow to my ego to boot up and play something called Dragomon Hunter, but then again, I...

The Daily Grind: Did BlizzCon deliver on your expectations?

It's not exactly a stretch to say that Blizzard Entertainment casts a long shadow over the field of online gaming. World of Warcraft remains...
Don't care, bored.

BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Q&A liveblog

It's the tail end of BlizzCon, and World of Warcraft players have Legion questions. Players probably had questions at the start of the convention,...
Demon Hunters HATE this holiday

BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Legion systems panel liveblog

How is transmogrifying items going to change with World of Warcraft's Legion expansion? What are the restrictions on transmogrifying artifacts? How do the artifacts work? What...

WildStar to reunite F2P servers next week

You might recall that in the whole crush of WildStar's free-to-play transition, Carbine decided to turn on additional servers with the promise that they...
What do you mean story justification? Thor is public domain, right?

WRUP: The Grand Magistrix has power over time edition

How do you represent a boss who has power over time? Because the Grand Magistrix has power over time. The obvious answer is that...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about solo boss fights in MMOs?

I've been having a blast going through Star Wars: The Old Republic's new expansion, soaking in all of the great story beats and locales....

BlizzCon 2015: Overwatch shows off three new heroes and Origin Edition bonuses

It's been about a year since we first heard of Overwatch at last year's BlizzCon. Since then, the beta has kicked off, and as...