Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-Tide brings new barding, new hats, and new music sheets
Most reliable scholars of Eorzea agree that the second Calamity was ushered in on March 15th, when Hatching-Tide started in Final Fantasy XIV once...
Shroud of the Avatar shows off more environmental screenshots
How pretty do the environments of Shroud of the Avatar look? According to the most recent development update, very pretty. The entry opens off...
Check out nearly two hours of early gameplay from Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
The footage you are going to see below is not the beta test for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. It's not the alpha. It's...
Guild Chat: How to tactfully leave a guild
Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, my little corner of Massively Overpowered in which I tackle readers' guild-related problems with the help...
Star Citizen’s latest episode of Around the Verse features lore, plants, and community
If you were worried about not getting to watch an hour of official Star Citizen video today, you can rest easy, because the latest...
One Shots: You got something on your face
There is a grand conspiracy among MMO developers and it is this: Every last one of them has entered into a blood pact to...
The Daily Grind: Does ambition make you skeptical of MMO development?
I freely admit that I am a bit leery of ambition in game design. Not because it's an inherently bad thing, mind you, but...
Camelot Unchained squishes bugs and improves performance in crunch time
The Camelot Unchained team is hard at work bringing the game into a beta state, and that means killing bugs. The good news is...
WRUP: A brief and entirely incorrect history of CCGs edition
The first CCG (which originally stood for "Concerted Card Gouging" but was later changed to "Collectible Card Game" after the Great Acronym Wars of...
Colin Johanson says farewell to the Guild Wars 2 community
Last week's big surprise on Friday was the departure of longtime Guild Wars 2 game director Colin Johanson from ArenaNet. Rumors and surprise swirled...
WildStar suffers major round of layoffs
Update: WildStar has allegedly suffered a massive round of layoffs as part of a "reorganization"; some sources suggest as many as 60 70 people...
Hearthstone’s next expansion is Whispers of the Old Gods
The next Hearthstone expansion will drive you mad. It's all about madness. It turns out that all of the rumors whispered in dark places...
Mortal Online explains the Etherworld in depth
The latest patch for Mortal Online allows players to hide objects inside of the ether world, pick up and leave objects inside of the...
Sea of Thieves starts a fan contest to play the game before anyone else
If you've managed to forget what happened at E3 last year, recall that Rare announced that it was making a shared-world pirate game titled...
Crowfall shows off the Ranger in action
The Ranger of Crowfall has been making the rounds lately as the resident orange-haired green-clad lady shooting arrows at targets. That part is... yeah,...
WoW Factor: Levels and legends in the Legion alpha
The alpha testing for World of Warcraft's next expansion rolls on, with the vague hope that we might actually have a beta tag by...
EVE Online’s Project Discovery netted almost half a million classifications in its first day
First announced back in 2015, EVE Online's Project Discovery got underway this week. It's a science collaboration that rewards EVE players in-game for playing a...
Funcom shares more Conan Exiles details in a community Q&A
If you're eager for more information about Conan Exiles, you missed out on your chance to take an active hand in the game's recent...
Blizzard deploys a Diablo II patch after more than four years
There is not a typo in that title. Blizzard Entertainment has released an unexpected patch for Diablo II. Yes, the second game in the...
The Daily Grind: How strictly do you hold MMO devs to their ‘promises’?
On this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I tried to tackle a question from MOP reader Serrenity, who wanted us to talk about...