
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Check out WildStar’s ‘impossible maze’

Give players a wide range of player housing tools and you're going to get some interesting results. Perhaps one of the most fascinating creations...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 9

Chapter 2 of Star Wars: The Old Republic has been completed. MJ's Imperial Agent is free from the brainwashing programming of Imperial Intelligence. But a...
Keep it going, folks.

Das Tal opens up its first persistent test server on October 31st

An MMORPG is going to put any set of network architecture under an incredible amount of strain. It's going to dropkick your netcode and...
Today's mission is to wander around on the Brain Slug planet without a helmet.

EverQuest II previews the Thalumbra region

The next expansion for EverQuest II is leading players into a tourist trap. Not in the sense that it's filled with overpriced stores and...

The Daily Grind: What should Funcom do?

Man, every time we hear a Funcom report I get so incredibly depressed. I'm no financial expert, but it seems as though the studio...

Not So Massively: Star Citizen’s map is amazing (October 12, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Department of Recursion Department

Shroud of the Avatar goes recursive with Release 23

Shroud of the Avatar is the most recent game that Richard Garriott has worked on, so why not spend your time in that game...

Sword and Bored: Ready check

Mo joins his first raid. The first boss fight has been explained and everyone is ready, right? Right?
Combat attire: you're doing it wrong.

Take a look at the gameplay of Black Desert’s Witch

There's still no hard information on when Black Desert is coming westward, although the game is currently in open beta in Russia and it...
It's not just me, right?

Wisdom of Nym: Surpassing Final Fantasy XIV’s cross-class legacy

In one respect, Final Fantasy XIV is an incredibly flexible game. You are never actually locked into a single role or job; even if...
It's no Star Citizen, but it's far closer.

Elite: Dangerous shows off a planetary surface

Give people a game about flying around in space and the first question you hear is, "When can we walk around on a planet?"...

The Daily Grind: Are you going to play Squadron 42?

A whole bunch of Star Citizen-related stuff happened this past weekend, and I've got a lot of catching up to do since I missed...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Carter and Issue 12.5

It's pretty common knowledge by now that Lead Designer Romain Amiel really likes to give teasers and spoilers for The Secret World. Unlike Twitter,...

One Shots: Skyscraping

Look up on that building! It's a bird! It's a gargoyle! It's... MOP reader Epelesker showing off his hero in Champions Online! "Unlike a grand...
No one liked Warlords. ANd let's be clear, that's because it was bad.

The Daily Grind: What MMO characters have you stuck with for years?

The header picture is of my Shaman in World of Warcraft. I made her with the launch of The Burning Crusade because of course...

Players publish video tribute to Landmark developers

A group of Landmark players have posted a heartwarming tribute video to the folks at Daybreak working on the game. Players Denghe, Oxillion, and Xyloriel, who...

RuneScape took down 1.4 million bots last year

RuneScape's customer service team has lined up for its very own horn-tooting infographic, and if the stats are accurate, the team deserves those toots. According...

The Stream Team: 12 days of SWTOR, day 8

"Keyword: onomatophobia. Thesh protocol, phase one" is what the Jedi told MJ's character to get her to do exactly what he wanted. But all...
Well, yes.

WRUP: Hard-hitting Transformers: Devastation review edition

Because I am me, I bought and played through Transformers: Devastation this week. It's based pretty heavily on the G1 cartoon, which is largely...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO armor set?

Every time I start a new alt in Star Wars: The Old Republic, I like to gift him or her with a cool-looking cosmetic...