
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

But this'll clear those population problems right up, I'm sure.

ArcheAge’s server merges will spark another land rush

When ArcheAge first announced that there would be some sort of server consolidation, players were understandably nervous. Merges can be a messy business at...
I could talk about planting ideas in your head, but that seems a bit too easy.

Guild Wars 2 teases a Ventari image

You have probably noticed by now that ArenaNet likes to be a bit cryptic with its Guild Wars 2 teasers. Case in point: a...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall supporters unlock localization stretch goal

Is English not your first language? If not, thanks for struggling through and reading our site anyway, and you can also take heart in...

What World of Warcraft would look like in Unreal Engine

Many words have been spilled about World of Warcraft's relative immunity to aging due to its stylized graphics. And while that art style is...

Sword and Bored: Trade

Mo learns that objects in this brave new world are all too often... bind-on-pickup.
You guys are still here?

Bungie promises to ban cheaters in Destiny

It's not exactly a drastic reach to say that people shouldn't cheat when playing an online game. People should definitely not be cheating during...
Sometimes a ship is just a ship.

LEGO Universe died on the sword of dong-detecting software

Give another human being a creative tool with the instruction to make anything, and odds are that first creation is going to be some...

Derek Smart defends Alganon against review bombing

It's safe to say that Alganon has not been a well-liked game on Steam since its arrival on the platform on May 5th, at least...

The Daily Grind: How do you plan to play Star Citizen?

I'm pretty excited to get my hands on some different ships in this week's Star Citizen free-fly event. I know, I know, I can...
Let's dig our way out!

Is World of Warcraft’s decline tied to the rise of mobile gaming?

So what knocked World of Warcraft's subscribers down so quickly between the launch of Warlords of Draenor and now? Most people playing the game...
Still haven't been in, still not terribly concerned about that.

E3 is actually letting the public in this year… sort of

No doubt you have heard stories of the dark rituals that go on at E3, the secret chanting circles that keep the video game...
Can't we have this dramatic showdown in space?

Star Trek Online flame wars erupt over gay backdrop NPCs

The most recent featured episode for Star Trek Online stirred up some controversy because it's all about gay Klingons. By which we of course...

One Shots: Reflections of me

One fun in-game photography trick is to use reflections, mirrors, and glass to offer a different -- and sometimes more artistic -- vision of...
Do we seize the feature creep or not? Decisions!

The Daily Grind: What are you looking forward to, MMO-wise, in the rest of 2015?

What in the world happened to the first half of 2015? With one thing or another, it just flew by, and here we are...
If I had known then what I know now, I... would have felt no different, really, but it might have mitigated stuff.

WRUP: Goodbye, my sweet would-be treasure edition

I don't think I can properly express how much I love the Ikthians in WildStar. The Ikthian Crawler is seriously something I would... well,...

The Soapbox: Can MMOs eradicate pay-to-win?

You know what sucks about getting old? Apart from the adult diapers and the dying? Yeah, it's the seeing things you love retconned into...

WildStar’s free-to-play shift: Too little or just enough?

WildStar has taken a drubbing in its first year of operation, and much as I don't like saying so, it's deserved it. The game...

Working As Intended: Sex, love, and MMOs

In the ongoing, neverending sandbox-vs.-themepark MMO debate, the folks on the side of sandboxes want one thing: more. Actually they want a lot more. They want...

MechWarrior Online bans and shames 64 players

No one would debate whether or not it's appropriate to ban players for cheating, but there is space to debate whether or not it's...

The Daily Grind: Are you excited for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns?

I have no doubt that Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is going to be big, both for the studio and its playerbase. It's...