
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Finally, your character can be known as Corporal Chesty.

TERA is releasing inactive character names

Names in MMOs are important. You want people to know who you are at a glance, after all. TERA has a lot of character...
They're fun guys! Get it because... you know what, yeah, you get it.

EverQuest is booting up another progression server

Remember when EverQuest launched a progression server and everyone rushed to it? Maybe not everyone, but the Ragefire server did launch to completely unexpected...

The Daily Grind: If it were 2003 again, which MMO would you play?

Fun hypothetical: Let's say that all of us -- including Massively Overpowered -- were thrown back in time 12 years to 2003. There's no...

Jukebox Heroes: Infinite Crisis’ score will get you pumped up for the good fight

I love a really good superhero score. Some of my favorite pieces include John Williams' Superman theme, Danny Elfman's Batman introduction, Brian Tyler's Iron...
This guy is decked out in armor. THAT is a talent, even.

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade puts the fifth Chaos Space Marine legion to a vote

Do you have strong feelings about the Chaos Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade? If you're a fan, you probably do, seeing as...
Blade & Soul

Help Oceanic Blade & Soul fans by signing this petition

Some folks from fan site Blade & Soul Dojo have started a petition that asks NCsoft to consider an Oceanic server for its upcoming...

Sword and Bored: Ninja Loot

Mo downs his first miniboss, only to see one of his "friends" abscond with the loot.

EverQuesting: Learning about Landmark’s dungeons

I thought I saw a dev dungeon reference. I did! I did see a dev dungeon reference! And it's about time. I have to admit...
Blade & Soul

The Daily Grind: Did the Blade & Soul announcement improve your outlook on MMOs?

So, Blade & Soul! Huzzah, and stuff. I don't know about you, but NCsoft's heading-west announcement has reinvigorated my inner MMO fan, at least...

Guild Chat: The layout, usage, and manners of voice chat

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my own wee place in the 'webs in which we can discuss all things guilds and club together to...

One Shots: My imaginary friends

Here's a fun thought: What if we aren't actually playing MMOs? What if we're just sitting in front of blank screens, creating fantasy worlds...
Where the 'hood at.

The Daily Grind: What MMO characters have you unexpectedly loved?

I made my Crab Spider in City of Heroes primarily because I wanted to have someone as a spider. My character concept for her...
GTA Online

Rockstar publishes tips for making the most of GTA’s editor

Are you overwhelmed with the possibilities inherent in Rockstar's GTA V and GTA Online editor? If so, consider reading yesterday's tip article focused on capturing footage....
You know, it can really be your jong.

Diablo III item thieves make ‘$0,’ get prosecuted anyhow

A couple of Diablo III miscreants felt the long arm of the law in 2014, according to a Fusion article that calls the proceeding a...
Oh, you're no fun any more.

WRUP: My only raiding story from Star Wars: The Old Republic edition

A friend asked me to come with her guild to run some endgame raid or another. I don't remember what it was. Whatever raid...

The Daily Grind: Do you feel alone in your games?

As one or two people have pointed out, MMOs are multiplayer by their very definition -- and massively so. Yet even if you're in...
Holy holy.

Betawatch: May 22nd, 2015

It's been a busy week for the folks at Blizzard. We've gotten a quartet of videos for Overwatch characters showing off early gameplay, and...

BioWare posts update on SWTOR’s Season 5 win-trading

BioWare community manager Eric Musco posted a brief update on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums yesterday concerning trolling and win-trading in Season...

League of Legends tests automated punishments for bad player behavior

Getting on top of bad player behavior in League of Legends may be an impossible job -- for mere people, that is. But what...
He had the lobes for it.

Captain Nog joins the Star Trek Online cast

In the first episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Commander Sisko tells Jake not to hang around with that Ferengi boy Nog. He's...