
They said what? They’re using that business model? They hired whom? [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

AD2460 is going free-to-play next week

Will a shift in business model help the indie space strategy title AD2460 leap ahead in popularity and play? That question might be answered...

DC Universe Online’s Episode 19 is live for subscribers

If you're a DC Universe Online subscriber, you can now play the game's latest content patch, otherwise known as Episode 19. It's called The...

Star Citizen shows off ship combat, FPS, and EVA in new trailer

Did you see the new Star Citizen trailer yet? It debuted last night at The Game Awards in Los Angeles, after an introduction by...

The Daily Grind: How can MMORPGs capitalize on the success of single-player sandboxes?

Yesterday, Wired published an intriguing editorial that argued "open worlds are changing how we play videogames." Author Jake Muncy is talking about single-player games,...

Massively Overthinking: Counting the hits and misses of our 2015 predictions

Every year, we lodge our predictions for the next. Funny, strange, and deadly serious, these predictions are a glance back on the naïvetés of 2014 and...
My name is Ozymandias, king of... oh, never mind, they're just going to steal that pop culture bit.

World of Warcraft’s alpha test for Legion grows in size and participants

Are you testing the next World of Warcraft expansion? More people have been invited into said test, which is now allowing players to venture...
Take the high road in the high tower.

Crowfall discusses the true meaning of ‘pre-alpha’

What is an alpha, really? What's the dividing line between an alpha and a pre-alpha when both are playable? If a game has had...

Tribes: Ascend’s next patch aims to ‘spiritually align’ with the franchise

Hi-Rez has posted an open letter to Tribes: Ascend's community on Reddit. The forthcoming Out of the Blue patch is a huge undertaking for...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE Online discusses installing and testing new server hardware

Server technology is definitely some sort of black alchemy. The new EVE Online server technology is being installed and tested at the CCP Games...

Granado Espada Europe hypes events with a hilarious press release

Granado Espada Europe is apparently an MMO that some people play, though as the title implies, that playing happens mostly in Europe. German publisher...

Pirate101’s newsletter looks back at November

KingsIsle has published a Pirate101 newsletter that looks back at the month of November and forward to the month of December. It includes a...

Heroes & Generals gets a tanky update and a Christmas event

Heroes & Generals has released a new update called Zhukov - Armored Ambush. The patch expands light tank gameplay by adding new Soviet and...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Games and education

We've got some really smart commenters here at MassivelyOP, and I think they help keep the fiercer trolls away. But when Joystiq itself went under,...

Crowfall’s latest vid diary talks UI customization and more

Crowfall's latest dev video addresses UI customization, and it features UX Designer Billy Garretsen. "The grand vision," Garretsen says, "is to really let people...

Sign up for Black Desert’s closed beta, if you want

Want to play Black Desert's closed beta? Well, you could pre-order. But that would be insane, and you're not insane, right? Good, I didn't...

SWTOR subscriber rewards include playing as HK-55

The next chapter for Star Wars: The Old Republic's expansion storyline won't arrive until February 11th, but BioWare is attempting to give players a...

Elder Scrolls Online tweaks PvP group buffs and gear durability

ZeniMax patched version 2.2.7 of The Elder Scrolls Online to the live servers this week. The update includes a number of general fixes for...

Eco’s alpha was successful; here’s what’s next

Strange Loop says that Eco's alpha was a success, thanks mainly to lots of players giving the dev team "tons of feedback, suggestions, and...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 40: Gnome Huntarz

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, GW2, WoW, The Repopulation, Devilian, Marvel Heroes, and Dogma: Eternal Night, plus mailbag questions on finding time to play and whether EverQuest Next is vaporware.
Bear bomb!

Alleged copyright infringer accuses Blizzard of copyright infringement

Blizzard is amping up its assault on gold-selling-and-bot-distributing company Bossland GmbH. The World of Warcraft maker was defeated by the German court system back...