
They said what? They’re using that business model? They hired whom? [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Former LOTRO employee dishes out behind-the-scenes secrets

There's always more to every story than is often told, which is why it's fascinating to come across accounts like this one by former...

Storybricks has closed down

It's been but a week and a half since we heard official word that Daybreak Game Company was cutting ties with Storybricks, and the...
Star Citizen

Roberts on Star Citizen’s funding model, Minecraft, and more

Polygon posted an interview with Chris Roberts this week, and it's worth a read if you're still wearing your Star-Citizen-is-a-Ponzi-scheme cap. "People can only...

How Daybreak strives to avoid social media pitfalls

Tweeting or posting the wrong thing in the wrong tone can have serious consequences for a game studio, which is something that Daybreak Senior...

Not So Massively: Hearthstone’s MagicAmy drama; Riot rules on SpectateFaker

Riot Games President Marc Merill says he regrets comments made in the heat of the moment regarding the recent SpectateFaker controversy. Riot issued its...

World of Warcraft is getting gold and gametime transfer tokens

Blizzard has just announced that it's introducing a gold-and-gametime transfer token to World of Warcraft. Dubbing the currency the "WoW Token," Blizz writes, Players will be...

H1Z1 video goes behind-the-scenes with motion capture pros

Daybreak released a new behind-the-scenes video focused on H1Z1's motion capture this week. If you like seeing dudes in skin-tight lycra suits with little...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: February 28, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Crowfall basically blotted out the sun. The "throne war simulator" surpassed its $800,000 goal in a couple of...
This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

SWTOR’s Choose Your Path promo rewards subbers

Want one of those butt-ugly lightsabers with a black core? You can get one as part of the new Choose Your Path promotion for...
Lost Continent - ArcheAge Adventures

Lost Continent: Is it worth returning to ArcheAge?

Last time out I said some pretty mean things about ArcheAge. And let's face it: The game earned every one of them. It's inarguably...

Champions Online is fiddling with costume prices

Champions Online is still alive! How do we know? It's fiddling with its cash shop prices come March 5th. A forum post explains the...
Do you... want to hang out, man?

Pantheon reveals dwarven lore, concept art

The Pantheon team has released some new lore and a piece of concept art on its Facebook page. The Dwarves of Khadassa are the...

Neverwinter coming to Xbox One on March 31

Perfect World has announced that Neverwinter is coming to the Xbox One on March 31st. The launch will feature all of the content from...

Not So Massively: LoL’s streaming controversy, Star Citizen’s mining, and Diablo III’s microtransactions

The League of Legends community is in an uproar this week over a dispute regarding who owns the gameplay in a League of Legends...

Microtransactions on tap for Diablo III, but not in the US or EU

Blizzard is likely adding microtransactions to Diablo III. The proposed funny money and its associated features won't be coming to European or American versions...
Yes, yes it is.

EverQuest Next may not be F2P

SOE Daybreak has been all about "F2P your way" for a couple of years now, but comments by EverQuest Next senior producer Terry Michaels and...

WoW and Destiny topped media mentions in 2014

This will probably not come as a shock to you, but a lot of press was talking about World of Warcraft and Destiny last...

EverQuest Next severs ties with Storybricks

Daybreak continues to trim its asset portfolio, as the former SOE studio has cut loose artificial intelligence software company Storybricks from the EverQuest Next...

Trials of Ascension attempts another Kickstarter campaign

Permadeath, corpse looting, and no mini-map: Will this be tempting enough to get the community on board with donations? Trials of Ascension hopes so,...

Working As Intended: ‘Multiplex monotony’ and the death of the mid-budget MMORPG

Back in December, film editor and author Jason Bailey wrote a piece on Flavorwire called How the Death of Mid-Budget Cinema Left a Generation...