MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Ah yes, teamwork.

The Daily Grind: How aggressive do you like to be in MMO group content?

It will probably not surprise anyone reading this that I do a fair bit of group content in Final Fantasy XIV, and veterans of...

Make My MMO: Crowfall extends its beta as the superhero MMOs vie for testers

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Crowfall blasted into beta, becoming the latest crowdfunded MMORPG to break through that barrier. In fact, it's even extended...

Albion Online’s massive spider mount is coming in Season 10

Today's Albion Online post is brought to you by your friendly nightmare spider, Gary. Gary is excited to tell you that Albion is preparing...
Walk it back, walk it back, walk it back.

Blade and Soul’s next update introduces a compound system to the mix

Are you ready for some foooootballlll? No? Well then, maybe you're more in the mood for some Blade and Soul instead. You've got that...

Ubisoft ousts its seventh manager in sexual misconduct investigation

Ubisoft reckoning with its workplace culture continues, most recently with the firing of Assassin's Creed Valhalla creative director Ashraf Ismail. According to Kotaku, Ismail...

Global Chat: Are MMO classes too similar to each other?

Blogger Yeebo Fernbottom has a beef with MMOs, and maybe you can relate. The issue, as the Yeebs sees it, is that in the...
Single-platform universe.

Dual Universe AMA talks about beta, sanctuary moons, and free money

With the end of Dual Universe's NDA and the start of beta later this month, you can expect to be hearing a lot more...
This is really World of Warcraft's fault, but I have to be comprehensive here.

The Daily Grind: What was your most awkward MMO roleplaying experience?

Back in the early 1990s, I glommed onto Star Trek bulletin board systems in the hopes that I might connect with some fellow Trekkies....
All right, here we go.

Betawatch: Torchlight III does its final pre-launch wipe

Gosh, what a strange road it has been for Torchlight III. Like... at one point that wasn't even its name. But the important thing...
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous adjusts overlapping hotspots and tritium performance

Fleet carriers are big and they cause balance issues in Elite Dangerous. Not unfixable ones, mind you; just ones that have to be adjusted...

Leaderboard: Why do you ‘work’ in MMORPGs?

A while back, WAPO put up a piece called Why do we enjoy games that make us work? Proficiency, control, fairness, escape. This is a topic...
Inside of you are two... wait, I already used that joke today.

Aion outlines its balance update in the wake of Shadows of Balaurea

There is not a great deal of new content in the next patch for Aion in North America. There is some, of course; for...

When the COVID dust settles, Nexon hopes to be among entertainment’s winners

Nexon CEO Owen Mahoney recently gave one whooper of an interview to arguing that the games industry is reaching a "major transition point"...

Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs

I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...

Nexon’s V4 plans new zones and quests August 25, web-based minigame now

MOP's Carlo has been obsessively playing one game for the last few weeks: Nexon's brand-new crossplatform MMO V4. The game rolled out toward the...

Into the Super-verse: Early impressions of Valiance Online

When I heard that Valiance Online was going to be running an open beta this week to coincide with the PlayNYC convention, I knew...

World of Warcraft shows off Shadowlands adventures, opens Classic’s Ahn’Qiraj raids

Ever since mission tables were introduced in Warlords of Draenor, Blizzard has struggled to figure out what to do with World of Warcraft's offline...
Stored knowledge.

Final Fantasy XIV states more housing plots are on the way for patch 5.4

Back in March, Final Fantasy XIV's developers turned off the housing demolition timers due to the ongoing global pandemic, so no one has to...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs with ‘rested experience’ in mind?

Let's talk about rested experience in online games this morning. MMOs call them all sorts of things, but World of Warcraft's has stuck the...

Chronicles of Spellborn’s rogue server makes a sizeable balance pass and adjustment update

It looks like the stewards of the rogue server for Chronicles of Spellborn have been extremely busy. In a now-deleted but digitally recovered post...