MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Crimson Oasis: Speculation on Crimson Desert, Pearl Abyss’ new MMORPG

Lasst week, we reported on what looks like Pearl Abyss' power move to overtake the MMO market. With three MMOs and a Shadow Arena...

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces new cash shop pet that increases your inventory and raises some eyebrows

Generally speaking, The Elder Scrolls Online has some pretty good and adorable pets, but all they really do is just look cute. The latest...

Lord of the Rings Online’s level 120 gear system sows pay-to-win lockbox confusion

LOTRO's Minas Morgul expansion released a few days ago, which naturally changed a number of things around. One thing it did shift is how...

The Daily Grind: Should World of Warcraft switch to annual expansions?

During last week's Activision-Blizzard investor call, Blizzard executives dodged hard on one analyst's question about WoW Classic retention - no great surprise there, really,...

MMO Week in Review: Ending LOTRO’s Black Book of Mordor

Lord of the Rings Online put a capstone on the Black Book of Mordor storyline this past week with the launch of its Minas...

The MOP Up: When no one’s online, the terror truly begins

Halloween may be over, but you can still get your creepy spook on with No Players Online. This is a horror game that uses...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Ys Online’s soundtrack

Stretching back to the late 1980s, the Ys role-playing series has had a long and fruitful run, with nearly five million copies of its...
There are more things than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

World of Warcraft adds several arcade games to the Darkmoon Faire

Wanna play a game? In a game? Yes, that's two movie references tied together, which probably should net me some extra bonus internet points...

One Shots: Earth, water, fire, air… and heart!

We all know that a great and terrible power is summoned when you gather together the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and heart....
There are some who call me... big.

The Daily Grind: What would you like to see in an MMORTS game?

The MMORTS subgenre has never been what you might call robust, but it keeps cropping back up time and again. The Imperial Realm: Miranda is...

Make My MMO: Destiny’s Sword is launching a Steam demo Monday

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned that Destiny's Sword is dropping a Steam demo on Monday as a tie-in with Veterans Day...

Improbable and Tencent join forces to bring SpatialOS and a developer program to China

It would appear that Improbable, the company behind SpatialOS, is hedging its bets on China. Improbable announced that it will be working with Tencent...

ArcheAge Unchained grants Belstrom players a server boost and items pack for the three-day blackout

Yesterday we reported on the Belstrom EU server's extended length of maintenance due to an issue discovered with its auction house. A few hours...

Into the Super-verse: Ship of Heroes’ character creator is bare-bones yet still engaging

Every once in a while, Hollywood releases a pair of movies from different studios at the same time that cover, more or less, the...

The Daily Grind: What older MMO’s graphics still hold up today?

The other night I was playing with some friends in Dungeons and Dragons Online, and the discussion turned to -- oddly enough -- the...
Blessed not be.

Betawatch: Bless Unleashed launches into open beta

Aw, they grow up so fast. It feels like just yesterday that Bless Unleashed was being announced as a project making everyone ask why another...
Farvest hestival

Blade & Soul brings back the Golden Harvest Festival on November 13

Some games promise you a chicken dinner when you emerge victorious from a challenge. Blade & Soul will miss all that weak nonsense. Players who...

RuneScape on mobile and movement updates, end of Java support

The future of RuneScape's technology is the primary topic of the latest developer blog, which provided affirmation of the nearing end of mobile development,...

Fractured’s November alpha will include horizontal character progression

After multiple rounds of alpha this past spring and summer, the SpatialOS MMORPG sandbox Fractured will finally launch into Alpha 2 this month. "The...

The Stream Team: Celebrating EverQuest II’s 15 birthday with a dragon attack!

A 15th MMO birthday is already impressive, but this one has dragons! EverQuest II has added a new event for this year's anniversary celebration,...