
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Monster Hunter World demos Rotten Vale, Coral Highlands gameplay

Capcom is keeping the Monster Hunter World hype up this week with a series of videos on the title's gameplay. Spoilers: It's mostly about...
Gotta fly these things somehwere, guys.

World of Warcraft’s patch 7.3.5 abolishes expansion-specific flight skill requirements today

Since the ability to fly was added in the first expansion to World of Warcraft, there's always been the question among players about when...

Cyberpunk 2077 could be coming to E3 with a playable demo and new trailer

Following a single "beep" of Twitter activity last week, CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 holds the rapt attention of gamers across the world who...
Hello again.

Amazon’s New World page is back again [Updated]

On Monday of last week, we reported that a video of the anticipated and rather mysterious New World from Amazon had been leaked... and...

Warframe discusses hijacking, damage 2.5, and drop changes

What's going on in Warframe, the game both you and we named the best not-so-massively game we covered in 2017? Quite a bit, it...
Bears &c

ARK: Survival Evolved shows off the visuals and abilities of its dinosaur TLC pass

The animal denizens of ARK: Survival Evolved could use some improvements of all sorts, and that's why dinosaurs and mammals alike are being considered...

Aeria’s online shooter Ironsight aims for open beta

It's 2025. A megatsunami has caused massive damage all over the world, and resources have become limited. Instead of sharing and caring for each...

Shroud of the Avatar draws inspiration from Yellowstone, Hawaii, and Mongolia

Don't have enough money to go on a huge vacation this year? You might be able to save a lot of dough and still...

Gloria Victis adds treasure hunting and preps female characters

It's been a while since we last checked in with Gloria Victis, so let us see what is going on with this medieval MMORPG,...
Can we start, start over.

World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 arrives tomorrow with worldwide level scaling

Got some alts you want to level up in World of Warcraft? The experience is about to become much broader when patch 7.3.5 arrives...

City of Titans drafts volunteer to build metro landmarks

Considering that it's City of Titans and not Prairies of Titans or Lonely Country Road of Titans, it's safe to assume that this indie...
Not pictured: Rabbits. We don't know what they'll look like yet.

Wisdom of Nym: The final countdown before Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.2

We still don't technically know when Final Fantasy XIV is launching its next patch, but we can also figure it out. It was always...

World of Warcraft e-sports: The return of the Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arena World Championship

World of Warcraft and e-sports: two great tastes that taste great together, right? That's Blizzard's position, anyway. On Friday it laid out its plans...

Life is Feudal MMO has launched into early access on Steam

Builder-centric sandbox Life is Feudal has officially launched into early access with a buy-in of $29.99, and that's the MMO version, mind you, not...

LOTRO players pull off massive multi-day Winterstock concert

In case you missed it, over the past few days the Lord of the Rings Online community has been running one of the largest ...

MMO Week in Review: Sci-fi MMOs blast into the new year (January 14, 2018)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! Sci-fi...
Big empty.

A player modder is building the No Man’s Sky you always wanted

Way back in 2016, No Man's Sky was all anyone talked about thanks to misleading hype positioning the game in the stratosphere. In fact, the...

The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World merch (January 14, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Outpost Zero lets you build a bot army to conquer a planet

Don't do survival the hard way, with only your fleshy meatbag shell as your primary resource. Use your brains and futuristic technology to summon...

Make My MMO: Camelot Unchained’s big announcement is set for Thursday (January 13, 2018)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Camelot Unchained fans are stocking up on big bags of popcorn because the announcement has been announced! If you...