
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Jukebox Heroes: DC Universe Online

This is my frustrated face when it comes to superhero MMO soundtracks. I don't know what it is, but it seems that none of...

The Daily Grind: What if World of Warcraft had never happened?

Yesterday, in the comments of our Daily Grind about nice things we can say about games we don't like, MOP commenter Squid posted a...
A shameful spread of riches.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.4, Prelude in Violet

I mentioned a few days ago that I follow the same somewhat ridiculous process every time there's a new Final Fantasy XIV patch. Every...

Chaos Theory: The prickly side of Secret World Legends’ less-than-ideal scenario situation

See, I said that wouldn't take too long! Here we are back at the Secret World Legends scenario discussion. This time, however, we'll be addressing...
Sort of?

The Daily Grind: What’s the nicest thing you can say about an MMORPG you dislike?

I blame my colleagues in the writers room for this topic: We happened to be discussing the tragic comedy of Warhammer Online's awful crafting...

Global Chat: Why level in MMOs if you don’t grow?

Using World of Warcraft's latest expansion as an example, many bloggers recently pontificated on the uselessness of adding new levels to MMORPGs if your...
The core here is so hard.

The Daily Grind: What’s a hardcore MMO to you?

Sometimes we have ads that get me thinking. Case in point, the most recent ad on our site for the upcoming Lineage 2 classic...

LOTRO Legendarium: Future classes, business models, and direction

For any MMORPG fan, the future often weighs heavily upon the mind. We get excited about what secrets might be in development. We wonder...

The Daily Grind: Are MMO monster character races doomed to forever minority status?

I almost fell for it again. The other night I was logging back into Elder Scrolls Online after a very long absence and decided to...

Chaos Theory: The rosy side of the Secret World Legends’ less-than-ideal scenario situation

Do you know that feeling of anticipation? That's what I'd felt when I was given the heads-up at DragonCon that Secret World Legends was finally...
I'm important!

Vague Patch Notes: Trickle-down metagames in MMORPGs

A while back, there was an interesting set of data coming out of a discussion about Overwatch. The discussion was about the concept of...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG, living or dead, offers the all-time best crafting experience?

Over the last couple of weeks, when I was putting in sometimes 18-hour days working on the site, I didn't really have much time...

The Daily Grind: How do you pick your MMO character names?

Embarrassing confession time: I was a teenager when I first started playing MMOs, and my first characters were all named after Wheel of Time...

The Daily Grind: How fast do you consume patch content in MMOs?

I do the exact same stupid trick every time there's a patch for Final Fantasy XIV. I play the heck out of it in...

Hyperspace Beacon: What will we see on SWTOR’s ‘ancient Jedi world’?

Producer Keith Kanneg wrote, "[T]he next phase of the SWTOR storyline will kick off with a bang on the ancient Jedi world." Let's look at the clues that let us know exactly which Jedi world that is, why I am excited to see that world, and what we will likely see on that planet. I don't think I have to mention it at this point, but I will: Possible spoilers ahead, but only if I am right.

Perfect Ten: My favorite WildStar memories

As I grow older, I start to worry about the loss of memories that are precious to me. I already joke that I'm pretty...

The Daily Grind: What’s the funniest conversation you’ve witnessed in MMO world chat?

I know it's common wisdom to simply jettison the world chat window as soon as you log into a new MMO. It's not healthy...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 187: The raid in our stars

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2's new living world episode, Boundless, EverQuest II, Blizzard, Warframe, EVE Online, SWTOR, the petition to save WildStar, and our big site revamp.

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Star to Guide Us

We've had just enough time to digest that epic trailer, and now A Star to Guide Us is live. This is the fourth episode...
I believe we have a spaceship.

The Daily Grind: Do you think you’ve aged out of MMOs?

There's this particular template for covering MMORPGs on mainstream gaming websites that I cannot stand: the old "haha, MMOs are weird and old, let's...