
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Leaderboard: Have you played Elite: Dangerous?

I've got the space sim bug again. Well, OK, I never really lost it, but work and other hobbies occasionally make immersing myself in...
And it's gone.

Choose My MOBA: LoL vs. Dota 2 vs. SMITE

A while back I became a fledgling MOBA fan thanks to Infinite Crisis. Unfortunately for me, Turbine decided to kill its DC universe battler...

The Daily Grind: What kind of physics-based gameplay do you expect in a next-gen superhero MMO?

When I first read Massively OP Kickstarter donor MagmaFist's Daily Grind submission, I suspected him to be a big fan of Gravity/Force Fields Controllers in...

Massively Overthinking: Graceful MMO free-to-play transitions

In honor of WildStar's free-to-play transition this week, Massively Overthinking is about to overthink the very best F2P transitions ever. Even if you don't...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Why big MMO expansions are a good thing

I'm not really on board with the trend of saying that big expansions are back. They never left. Sure, we have one coming out...

Massively OP’s first impressions of Devilian

Call my stance on Trion World's upcoming Devilian "oh-so-cautiously interested." Personally, I think Trion invited more grief than it wanted with the importation of ArcheAge to...

The Daily Grind: Give a shout-out to your favorite retired MMO characters

We all have them: MMO characters we invested time, love, and no small amount of effort in making them all they could be... after...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Modern online game research

Late last year, I published on Massively-that-was a set of articles addressing current research on the relationship between shyness and online game friendships, including a...

Choose My Adventure: Freeloading in WildStar

Hello once again, friends, and welcome to a brand-new edition of Choose My Adventure. As you have probably already surmised, assuming that you read...
Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays

WoW Factor: A wishlist for World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion

We're going to find out a lot about World of Warcraft: Legion in November. Not just because I expect that'll be around the time we...

The Daily Grind: What do you think of WildStar Reloaded so far?

It's been a day since the free-to-play update came out for WildStar, giving veteran, returning, and new players a chance to check out the business...

Jukebox Heroes: Your top 20 favorite MMO soundtracks

I've been a sneaky columnist, my friends. Oh yes I have. In my last Jukebox Heroes I posted my top six favorite MMO soundtracks,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 31: MMO expansions come roaring back

Justin and Bree discuss Devilian, SWTOR, Ultima Online, the return of the MMO expansion, RIFT, Camelot Unchained, ArchLord 2, and Guild Wars 2, with mailbag questions on Heart of Thorns and gambleboxes.

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s TwitchCon infodump

So here's a funny thing: When I watched the TwitchCon streams for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I wasn't exactly looking to get new...

The Daily Grind: How often are your MMO goals thwarted?

I logged into Ultima Online over the weekend absolutely determined to achieve a very specific thing: imbue some gear for my Tamer. But first I wanted to...

The Stream Team: 12 days of TOR, day 4

On the fourth day of SWTOR story, the Empire gave to me... a hot desert sun and the end of chapter one. MJ and...

Sword and Bored: Player bounties

Mo has made many friends while playing his MMO, but there is always that one friend he can count on... right?
Less exploratory than I might have thought.

Wisdom of Nym: Coordination, aetherial gear, and Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch

How many times a day do you think about aetherial gear in Final Fantasy XIV? If the answer is more than "zero," I'm honestly...
Well, this is fine.

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you feel guilty for liking?

I played some Grand Theft Auto Online last night, and while I had a good time (as always), I also came away from the...

Guild Chat: Creating a solo-friendly MMO guild

Welcome along to another instalment of Guild Chat, my own cozy wee corner of Massively OP in which I help readers in need with...