My name is might have been.

Records indicate that Rhode Island’s deal with 38 Studios was meant to be secret

The 38 Studios story has been a mess since it was first announced, right up to the studio's collapse. It turns out that the first announcement wasn't meant to happen, though; according to documents that have been released, the meetings between Curt Schilling and the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation were originally meant to be completely secret. Public revelation...
Forward, my friends. To houses!

Guild Wars 2 shares more guild hall details, confirms raid gearing

Guild Halls are a big part of the feature list for Guild Wars 2's first expansion, and with good cause. The ongoing livestreams of the week have shared a lot more details of how the feature will work for players; you can watch the saved streams yourself, but if you don't want to wait through two hours of video,...

SWTOR is streamlining its cash shop for the expansion

New and improved features aren't the only changes that BioWare has in store for Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire. The studio is also streamlining the game's cartel market and making some adjustments to the contents of cartel packs. The changes to the market include making more previously released items available, improving the search interface for...

EverQuesting: EQII expansion Terrors of Thalumbra launches November 17th

It's happening in less than two months: EverQuest II's 12th expansion is releasing on Tuesday, November 17th. The dev team announced the date and title during a special reveal livestream, treating viewers to tours of the area and sneak peeks of items, and systems, races, and signature story line characters. Called Terrors of Thalumbra, this addition to Norrath adds...

The Daily Grind: What kind of physics-based gameplay do you expect in a next-gen superhero MMO?

When I first read Massively OP Kickstarter donor MagmaFist's Daily Grind submission, I suspected him to be a big fan of Gravity/Force Fields Controllers in a past life. He asks, What kind of physics-based gameplay should be or do you expect in a next-gen superhero MMO? City of Heroes' infamous combo leaped to mind because as annoying as some people found those...

WildStar adds temporary new servers to lighten F2P load [Updated]

There's no question that WildStar's servers have been crushed this week under the weight of the free-to-play population. Carbine admitted that its four "megaservers" haven't been able to keep up with the influx and apologized for the inconvenience. To address the issue, the studio announced tonight that it will be adding four new PvP and PvE servers within the next 24 hours: "Adding...

Massively Overthinking: Graceful MMO free-to-play transitions

In honor of WildStar's free-to-play transition this week, Massively Overthinking is about to overthink the very best F2P transitions ever. Even if you don't like F2P, you probably can still name one that was pulled off well, one that was done particularly gracefully. I'm pretty sure you can think of some terrible ones too! Intriguingly, after I posed this question to...

Dofus announces tablet version coming ‘very soon’

A mobile version of Ankama's MMO called Dofus Touch is about ready to start closed beta testing in France. Dofus Touch is a specially designed version of Dofus that will not be cross-compatible with the PC edition. It will launch with the 2.14 update (which puts it behind the PC version), will not have a subscription, and be available on both...

Wargaming creates interactive WWII battle

Want to get a taste of what it was like to be in the middle of a World War II mixed-arms battle from the safety of your home? World of Tanks creator Wargaming has answered this request with a new 360-degree interactive video. The reenactment video, which you can watch and manipulate below, shows tanks, artillery, warplanes, and infantry clashing...
More exciting than the video.

Watch harvesting and crafting on an industrial scale in Divergence Online

Sometimes you don't really need to say a lot more, you know? There is a video here. It's 14 minutes of crafting and gathering on an industrial scale in the current test build of Divergence Online. During the course of the video what you get to see mostly consists of a gathering apparatus along with lots of menus and...