This poor woman may now be able to wear a shirt.

That Wizards of the Coast vs. HEX lawsuit has finally been settled

Good news, virtual card game fans! That long-running lawsuit between Hex Entertainment, Cryptozooic, and Wizards of the Coast is finally out of the way. If you'd forgotten all about the lawsuit, it was all about the fact that Wizards felt HEX: Shards of Fate bore some... resemblance to WotC's long-running card game Magic: the Gathering. Which side you were...

Ever, Jane holds off on its beta launch

The austere Ever, Jane updated to Release 1.9 over this past weekend while keeping the title in alpha testing for a while longer. "We thought that, as we had completed all the major features of the game, we would be ready to launch our beta version by the end of September," 3 Turn Productions posted. "We were wrong!" Release 1.9...
Sure you are, home slice.

Star Citizen studio ‘grows’ dev team, claims layoffs are ‘streamlin[ing]’

It's never exactly calming to hear that a large project is laying people off before release, and that's the rumor swirling around Cloud Imperium Games for the past few days. A recent statement from the studio claims that what's happening on a company-wide level isn't layoffs but a global restructuring and reorganization. The company states that as production ramps...

Guild Wars 2 details the Druid, raiding, and final expansion test weekend

Guild Wars 2 players will be able to get their collective hands on Heart of Thorns very soon, and that's a good thing. The final test weekend for the expansion will kick off on October 2nd; the test will keep some parts of the final expansion tucked away but will generally allow you to explore things to your heart's content....
Well, this is fine.

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you feel guilty for liking?

I played some Grand Theft Auto Online last night, and while I had a good time (as always), I also came away from the experience needing a shower (as always). I won't go into how or why GTA Online is a guilty pleasure here today, mainly because I've done that before. I will ask you, the MOP readership, if there are...

MMO Week in Review: WildStar’s second chance (September 27, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! WildStar's relaunch as a free-to-play MMO is bearing down on us this Tuesday. This week, Carbine introduced new quality-of-life changes, gussied up its lighting, put the auction hall on hold, and opened the beta for everyone. If...

The MOP Up: A rebirth for Star Wars Galaxies

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. See any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips...

Here’s what happened with Star Citizen’s FPS module this week

Cloud Imperium published its weekly look at Star Citizen's Star Marine FPS module progress earlier this weekend. Most of the week was spent fixing blockers, crashes, and server stability, according to CIG senior game producer Jason Hutchins. He goes on to mention specific progress in the areas of gameplay engineering, animation, and more, but unfortunately he doesn't have a concrete...

Camelot Unchained boss talks classes, new hires, and more

Camelot Unchained's end-of-the-week update was published earlier this weekend. Head honcho Mark Jacobs revisited the big class presentation reveal, and explained that the RvR sandbox's class system will be "a bit less symmetrical than it was before." In a nutshell, the game's classes will not all have the same number of lines or abilities. Jacobs also explained how CityState's new...

Guild Chat: Creating a solo-friendly MMO guild

Welcome along to another instalment of Guild Chat, my own cozy wee corner of Massively OP in which I help readers in need with their guild-related issues by offering my two cents on the dilemma at hand while encouraging you lot to add your opinions in the comments. Between us, we've helped out quite a few readers with a...