Elite: Dangerous has sold 1.4 million copies

After a solid year's worth of updates and the first pass of planetary landing mechanics, Elite: Dangerous has hit a grand total of 1.4 million copies sold. Average play time for a given copy is apparently sitting at 60 hours, which comes out to 84 million hours across the many copies of the game in circulation. That's a lot...

2015 was TERA’s biggest year to date, but players aren’t appeased

TERA Senior Producer Matthew "Denommenator" Denomme has the honor of penning TERA's 2016 community address this week. In the post, he tells players that "2015 was TERA’s most successful individual year" to date. "In fact," he says, "TERA had more unique active players in 2015 than in any previous year." "We’ll release our first major build of 2016 in early...

The Division’s beta will start this month… probably

Fans of the much-delayed title The Division can look forward to the beta test starting this month... probably. Maybe. The odds are high. Nothing is certain, of course, and nothing has been formally announced by Ubisoft, but it looks pretty likely thanks to the UPlay mobile app listing the beta as starting in January. Of course, an app listing an...
And it burns, burns, burns.

World of Warcraft’s design philosophy for tanks and healers in Legion

Good news, World of Warcraft tanks - you'll be taking more damage in Legion! And that really could be the good news, depending upon how you look at a lengthy diatribe about the philosophy of tanking and healing in the next expansion. The designers note that there was a consistent issue in most content of tanks being almost completely...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

The Daily Grind: What MMO character type would you be happy to never see again?

It occurred to me the other day that Star Wars: The Old Republic doesn't actually have a pet class. Every class can sort of have a pet, yes, but no class actually serves as a dedicated pet class. And I don't miss that; I tend to dislike pet classes on a whole, so it's a welcome change. But that...

League of Legends reveals confusing new champion Jhin

Last week Riot Games released a bizarre video called Mind of the Virtuoso that appeared to be part art project and part ... I guess art project again. The gunshots and creepy masked face at the end made it pretty clear we were looking at League of Legends' next ranged champion, and that has now been made official with a new champion reveal devblog...

The Stream Team: Testing out MechWarrior Online’s Hunchback

MassivelyOP's MJ bought a new 'mech during MechWarrior Online's last sale and she's eager to test it out! Her spurge: the Hunchback HBK-4J. A medium 'mech, this machine has better maneuverability than her favored Catapult, but she's kitted it out with long-range capabilities to stay in her preferred role. Once MJ heads into battle, will she be able to...

Forsaken World’s Awakening expansion launches next week

PWE's Forsaken World is due for another big update this month. Awakening, dubbed the game's 16th expansion by PWE, launches on January 20th and carries on the story of the war against Storm Legion. It includes a level bump to 100, a new "elemental relics" system, and a new map called the Ever Abyss. Lore? It's got that too. After launching a...

Worlds Adrift is hosting a creative writing contest

Worlds Adrift is hosting a creative writing contest whose winner will find his or her work included inside the game itself. To celebrate the launch of this brand new forum (and to celebrate the creativity that we’ve already seen from some of you), we’ve decided to create a creative writing competition with an amazing prize – the winner will see...
This. They're this.

Ultima Online is looking for fresh staff to run live events

Ever wanted to try your hand at writing content for a production MMO on the fly? Appreciate old games that still maintain staff to create real live events for MMO players? How about be paid to be a really solid roleplayer and community rep? Ultima Online might interest you if so. The venerable 18-year-old game is on the hunt for new...