This was a thing.

Daybreak launches new site, triggers week of celebratory events

Daybreak Game Company now has a new home and logo to make its transition from Sony Online Entertainment complete. "We are so proud of our new company branding as it truly reflects who we are as an organization and captures our vision of approaching each new day as an opportunity to move gaming forward," said Daybreak President John Smedley on...

Guild Wars 2 teases shield Mesmer, distributes beta keys as in-game loot

Shield-using Mesmers may be one of the new specializations coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns if a new piece of concept art is any indication. ArenaNet posted a picture of a light-armor class with a spiked shield on Facebook, which many players believe to be a Mesmer. The studio has also decided to take a new route with...

Koster’s final post-mortem: Did Star Wars Galaxies fail?

Raph Koster has wrapped up his Star Wars Galaxies retrospective with a blog post that asks whether or not the sci-fi MMORPG failed. It's a loaded question, naturally, and from a player perspective it depends upon whether you're in the all-lightsabers-all-the-time camp or whether you enjoyed the fact that SWG simulated many different aspects of a galaxy far, far away. In terms of...

SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor update arrives tomorrow

You know what they say: You can't keep a Sith emperor down. After rumors of his demise were proved premature, the shadowy big bad of Star Wars: The Old Republic has risen to take the center stage of his very own update. Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor will hit SWTOR tomorrow, bringing with it the ancient Sith capital...

Sword and Bored: Behind the scenes

Mo is offscreen for a week, but we get a chance to see just what the NPCs are up to behind the scenes.

The Saga of Lucimia focuses on ‘group-based emergent gameplay’

The days of coddling solo players through a massively multiplayer experience are over -- at least according to one upstart indie MMO. Meet The Saga of Lucimia, an in-development sandbox that eschews solo content for 100% "group-based emergent gameplay" in a dangerous and hostile environment. Players will need at least three other friends and a whole lot of supplies to...

DUST 514 adds EVE Online-themed armor skins

It's no small understatement to say that DUST 514 has failed to achieve the same following and numbers that its big sibling, EVE Online, has. So perhaps you can't blame CCP when it attempts to leech off of EVE by creating, say, EVE-themed armor skins for DUST 514. Coming tomorrow, the first dozen DUST 514 SKINs will give players a...
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: How to catch up in Final Fantasy XIV (before Heavensward arrives)

Let's assume you've just recently gotten to the level cap in Final Fantasy XIV and you're ready to start in on catching up to the main scenario before Heavensward drops. Where do you start? I don't really agree with the official decision to gate people out of Ishgard if they haven't cleared the story up through the 2.55 patch, but...

Shroud of the Avatar to introduce player-owned towns with Release 17

Shroud of the Avatar's Release 17 is preparing to hit the ground running when it comes out on Thursday, April 30th. In its most recent newsletter, Portalarium talked about what players can expect from this patch, including the debut of the first official player-owned town. Player-owned towns have been in the works for a while now, as the team has...

EverQuesting: Daybreak expounds on Landmark’s postponed wipe

Some pretty big changes are on their way to Landmark, not the least of which is the final full character wipe and an extensive land reformation. Anticipation is certainly high for the new biomes, and to say many testers are looking forward to finally keeping character progression into the open beta phase and launch is an understatement! But that's...