More like real reality.

The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its first anniversary with a video

It might be hard to believe, but it's been a whole year since The Elder Scrolls Online launched. Specifically, it was a year as of Saturday, since the game launched on April 4th, 2014. Whether you've been playing the whole year or just jumped in after the game swapped to its buy-to-play model recently, the game has seen its...

Now Greed Monger’s project lead has bowed out

The crumbling of the once-promising crowdfunded sandbox Greed Monger continues, as project lead Jason Appleton announced that he's abandoning the project and giving control to his former compatriots: "I have officially signed the agreements that give James Proctor and Joel Hager complete ownership and control of the Greed Monger IP." Appleton admits that his being a "very passionate and outspoken...
Infinite Crisis

The Daily Grind: What’s your preferred MOBA class?

The strangest thing has been happening to me here lately. I... I think I'm becoming a MOBA fan. It's not that I had anything against MOBAs before, but given my preference for online virtual worlds and all things non-combat, it seems an unlikely match. But whatever because Infinite Crisis is really fun and I can't stop playing it. So, riddle...

EVE Evolved: Four lessons sandbox MMOs can learn from EVE

The past few years have seen a resurgence of support for sandbox MMOs, both of the trying-to-be-minecraft creative kind and the hardcore nuke-it-from orbit PvP variety. We've partly got games like DayZ to thank for the latter, and with recently released survival MMO H1Z1 netting over a million sales while still in Early Access, that's a trend that is...

MMO Week in Review: April 5, 2015

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! This week, Daybreak Game Company announced that the venerable EverQuest II, with 10 full expansions under its belt, will cease production of more, turning instead to smaller and more frequent paid DLC. The first of such...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen saw a lot of progress in March

Star Citizen's latest monthly report was published this weekend. It covers most of the progress made in March, 2015, which was substantial according to the preamble. In between convention appearances, Cloud Imperium released version 1.1 to backers, it "made significant updates to the server side of Star Citizen thanks to thousands of new players joining us," and it "made...

Music Man Online beckons players to dance and date

Music Man Online -- a game that has a delightfuly confusing acronym, by the way -- has very little to do with 76 trombones on parade. Instead, it's a "social, dance, and music" title that pits players against each other to see who is the best at being an entertaining powerhouse. Players will spend their time in the game collecting...

World of Warcraft throws a 10-day sale that includes Warlords of Draenor

Good Blizzard sales don't come around too often, so if you've been holding off on buying World of Warcraft or its most recent expansion, then now's the time to snap it up. The main bundle (which includes the core game and all expansions through Mists of Pandaria) is 50% off at $9.99. Warlords of Draenor is also on sale at...

Get a sneak peek of LOTRO’s Update 16

Lord of the Rings Online is gearing up for a big content push this month with Update 16. The devs put the patch on the test server this week and players are already digging into it to see what improvements it holds for the game. One big change that's coming is the legendary item imbuement system, which will allegedly allow LIs...

One Shots: Row, row, row your boat

When I'm perusing my One Shots mail folder seeking that special picture that will make the headlines, I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just know it when I see it. It'll make me drool with eye candy envy, it'll tell an interesting story, or (in this case) it makes me laugh. Reader Siphaed spent his time well in...