Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.
Alleged copyright infringer accuses Blizzard of copyright infringement
Blizzard is amping up its assault on gold-selling-and-bot-distributing company Bossland GmbH. The World of Warcraft maker was defeated by the German court system back...
Not So Massively: An amazing revamp for LoL’s Poppy (November 30, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
One Shots: The rowsdower abides
One of my most prized physical MMO possessions is my WildStar rowsdower plushie. It always sits there, looking at me as though it's accusing...
The Game Archaeologist: Ultima X Odyssey
I think any MMO veteran has a private list of prematurely canceled games that he or she deeply wishes had been completed and launched....
Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs to be thankful for by type
It's been a while since I wrote a column that comes out on Thursdays, which means that it's also been a while since I've...
World of Warcraft is looking to fill key roles
It's always a fascinating if tantalizing trip to head over to a studio's job openings page and see what positions the company is trying...
Gnome Hunters will be a thing in WoW’s Legion
World of Warcraft's forthcoming Legion expansion will turn gnome Hunters into a thing. And by a thing, I meant gnomes who are Hunters rather than...
Check out the new Druid bear forms from World of Warcraft’s Legion alpha
What is the number one threat to Azeroth? Bears. That's why Druids can turn into bears, after all. The new World of Warcraft expansion...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite World of Warcraft memory?
Eleven years is a long time to cast one's recollection lines back into the memory pool, but several moments from the initial launch of...
The Daily Grind: What are the basic rules of conduct for an MMO community?
If there's one thing I've learned from 18 years of playing MMOs, it's that games train us to abide by some pretty weird codes...
Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s Ascendancy expansion (November 23, 2015)
Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
World of Warcraft hails its 11th birthday
It was on this date in 2004 that a little-known fantasy MMO debuted on the scene after a half-decade of development and testing. False...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO peripheral junkie
I'm not going to lie, folks: I love peripherals. Love 'em. As soon as I was introduced to the idea that you could have...
MMO Mechanics: Three game-changing movement mechanics
In order to create the most truly challenging MMOs that connect players with the specific virtual environments they're traversing, developers have always worked on...
The Game Archaeologist: Shadowbane
Way back when I used to haunt the corridors of Gamestop and had yet to shun the place due to its stinky evil, I remember...
WoW Factor: The look of the Legion class previews
Last week was a pretty fun ride, I have to say. Leaving aside everything else we had to chew on after a weekend's worth...
World of Warcraft dramatizes the level 100 boost process
Like the last expansion, World of Warcraft's upcoming Legion expansion will let players skip the tedious process of leveling up through old content and...
The Daily Grind: What’s your worst MMO guild drama horror story?
Guild Wars 2's raiding guild drama earlier this week naturally made me think of guild drama I've experienced myself. I mean, if you've been...
Perfect Ten: MMOs you forgot existed (but are still running)
No MMO can be in the spotlight eternally. Even some of the biggest names out there -- your World of Warcrafts, your Guild Wars...
Overwatch is running a weekend beta stress test from November 20th
The good news for you here is that if you aren't already in the Overwatch beta but want to be, you have better odds...