
Official Site: Overwatch
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4

Overwatch finally incorporates a deathmatch mode

While resistant for a long time about adding the game mode, Blizzard has finally acquiesced to bringing deathmatch to Overwatch. Game Director Jeff Kaplan explained...

Overwatch League expands again with teams from London and LA

Blizzard continues raking in the big bucks for its fledgling Overwatch League, adding two new teams to its roster: a London team purchased by...

Overwatch kicks off the 2017 Summer Games

Let the games begin! The Summer Games returns to Overwatch this week with a whole new twist and new rewards. Players can now travel to Sydney, where a...
Murlocs, naturally.

Activision-Blizzard Q2 2017: Destiny 2 outperforms Destiny, WoW ‘time spent’ improves over 2016

We could practically copypasta last quarter's Activision-Blizzard report to this one and nobody would notice. That's because once again, it's the Blizzard segment of the...

Overwatch brings back the summer games with competitive Lucioball

After all of that Doomfist drama, it's good to see the colorful and crazy summer games return to Overwatch. The big addition this year is...

MMO researcher Nick Yee is ‘dispeling myths about female gamers’

Quantic Foundry researcher and long-time MMO academic Nick Yee has an intriguing blog post out this week titled Dispelling Myths about Female Gamers in...

The MOP Up: Skyforge investigates the Cradle of the World (July 30, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
lol gross

First Impressions: Splatoon 2 is a lobby shooter for socializers

After my hands-on at E3 and experience with the first Splatfest demo, I was a little concerned about Splatoon 2. I loved Splatoon 1, but something about...
Yes, it was this bad. It was always this bad.

Overwatch’s Doomfist is finally here

Hear that, Overwatch players? That is the sound... of your doom! Fist! Bad introductory puns past us, it is true: Doomfist is now playable in...

Massively Overthinking: How should MMOs make money in a world without lockboxes?

Earlier this week, MOP's Justin expressed frustration over lockboxes, feeling especially provoked. "As both a player and a journalist, I find it insulting when...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...
The issues for the game have to do with depth, viability, and being locked in place, not with the business model.

You are an Overwatch League free agent, starting now

Here's some news that should make you feel special. As of right now, as long as you're over 18 years old and play Overwatch,...
Heroes do actually die, but...

Overwatch gets serious about bad behavior yet again – for real this time, they swear

Even Mercy can't save you from Blizzard's wrath for being a cranky player. The studio sat its playerbase down for a talk this week, saying...
All right, so NEW spice.

Terry Crews just didn’t fit as Doomfist according to Blizzard’s team

Fans had an image in their heads about what Overwatch's Doomfist would sound like. It included Terry Crews, and it probably included him hollering...
Just behind.

RuneScape is a massive hit on Twitch

Time and again, we here at Massively OP have noted how RuneScape seems to be incredibly underestimated by the larger MMO community. For how...

SuperData June 2017: ROBLOX, GTAV, and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds are making bank

SuperData's global digital games revenue summary for June 2017 is out, and it's a strange melange of huge shifts and no changes at all. On the...

The MOP Up: SamuTale’s massive new world (July 23, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Blizzard adds a Diablo III senior designer, lays off audio director, and ends XP and Vista support

From zombies to demons, game designer Harrison G. Pink is no stranger to bizarre apocalypses. Pink formerly worked on Telltale Games' hit Walking Dead...

Analyst Michael Pachter’s Overwatch League skepticism and other business tidbits

Everyone's favorite gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter announced that his firm Wedbush is "skeptical that the Overwatch League will achieve much success," noting that...

Overwatch’s Doomfist was born from a mere name

"From the very moment we announced Overwatch, Doomfist was part of the story," Game Director Jeff Kaplain said in a new hero preview video....