activision blizzard

See: Blizzard and Blizzard Entertainment

I've made a horrible mistake.

Diablo Immortal player outlines how he used 600M gold from World of Warcraft to buff his gems

By now, players of Diablo Immortal are likely familiar with the Redditor Daymeeuhn; he's the guy who first calculated the real money cost to...

Overwatch 2 takes a closer look at Junker Queen’s suite of abilities

Now that the new tank character Junker Queen is confirmed as part of the Overwatch 2 roster, players are likely going to be curious...
It knows you sinned.

Activision-Blizzard shareholders reject employee Board rep, approve workplace abuse reports

So we've got good news and bad news when it comes to the brief Activision-Blizzard stockholder meeting and vote yesterday. The shareholders, representing almost 83%...

Diablo Immortal snagged only 10M players out of its 30M registrations

Blizzard dropped an infographic last night for Diablo Immortal showing... well, some numbers, though probably not the numbers you're most interested in. Most notably,...

Diablo Immortal delays its launch in China, sending NetEase stock into freefall

It would appear that investors of the Chinese games giant NetEase were pinning a lot of hopes on Diablo Immortal's launch to China. The...

Hearthstone’s latest patch seeks to corral Fel Demon Hunter and Control Warrior decks

Hearthstone is continuing to turn the big giant knobs of balance with its most recent patch, seeking to address metagame concerns related to some...

Diablo IV talks up player choice in PvE and endgame while Diablo Immortal rakes in $24M in revenue

The devs of Diablo IV are hitting the press trail, putting out interviews and previews of the multiplayer ARPG ahead of its 2023 release...
The right time to do this was two decades ago.

Activision-Blizzard workers on Board’s exoneration of execs: ‘The fish rots from the head’

Remember last year when Riot Games formed a "special committee" to investigate the sexual harassment accusations against its CEO and then amazingly cleared him...

Diablo IV goes gaga for the Necromancer in its quarterly update

Have you heard the word on the dark, grimy streets of Tristram? Apparently the Necromancer is the latest (and final one for launch) class...

Microsoft and CWA union enter into ‘labor neutrality’ agreement that will ultimately apply to Activision-Blizzard

Microsoft is continuing its efforts to look like a decent place for gaming developers to work: It's apparently entered into a "labor neutrality" agreement...

Diablo IV devs take to Twitter to get ahead of monetization fears spawned by a job posting

With all of the monetization headlines springing up around Diablo Immortal, it'd be easy to understand why fans watching the development of Diablo IV...
We're still here, yes.

Diablo Immortal players uncover a ‘hidden’ third form of legendary crest lootbox

It's already been well documented that Diablo Immortal's monetization is off the wall, whaling players for as much as $50K-$80K to earn best-in-slot -...

Its legal options exhausted, Activision-Blizzard finally agrees to negotiate with union after half a year of clowning

As readers will recall, QA workers at Activision-Blizzard's Raven Software have spent the last half a year organizing to form a union following the...
You aren't fun!

Diablo Immortal players estimate being fully geared up will cost $110,000 in microtransactions

When Diablo Immortal launched on mobile and PC last week, it did so with some truly rancorous levels of microtransaction nonsense, but perhaps most...

World of Warcraft posts previews for Dragonflight’s Druid and Death Knight talent trees

One of the marquee features for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is the return of talent trees for each class, which are meant to bring...

Microsoft promises ‘creative and collaborative approaches with unions’ in official blog post

With Microsoft on the cusp of buying out all of Activision-Blizzard, there's been plenty of governmental scrutiny and a healthy dose of concern for...
This is going great.

Wrongful death lawsuit filed by family of an Activision-Blizzard employee is dropped

One of the many legal clouds that hang over the head of Activision-Blizzard has cleared: The family of Kerri Moynihan, which alleged in a...

Another group of Activision-Blizzard workers has issued demands for corporate change

In just two months, we'll be coming up on the first anniversary of the Activision-Blizzard scandal, and if you're wondering which one, well, that's...

Raven Software QA votes to form union in spite of months of Activision-Blizzard unionbusting

Last December, Activision-Blizzard decided the best thing it could do in the middle of a massive sexual harassment and discrimination scandal that had provoked...

Electronic Arts is reportedly seeking to sell itself off – and has been for a while

Apparently, Electronic Arts wants to become delicious food for a larger corporation. This information is a piece of a larger article about Comcast-NBCUniversal chief...