arena commander

An early playable module for Star Citizen.

Star Citizen makes efforts on NPC AI, vehicle destruction, missions, and server meshing

We're back once again with another Star Citizen monthly report, and it looks as if efforts by CIG for the month of June have...

Star Citizen’s May dev report shares work on new ships, new game modes, and progress towards 4.0 and 1.0

It's time yet again for a monthly Star Citizen progress report, and while much of the May 2024 edition is understandably about alpha 3.23...

Star Citizen officially enters alpha 3.23 with new quality-of-life and mission features

After a whole lot of teasing, talking, and showcasing, Star Citizen has finally released alpha 3.23, bringing with it a few new mission features...

Star Citizen brings new race tracks and a first look at engineering to alpha 3.23’s Arena Commander

While many of the reveals shared by Star Citizen for alpha 3.23 have been focused on the persistent universe portion of the game, the...

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 recount February’s efforts while a dev makes a surprising reference to ‘SC 1.0’

It's time once more for Star Citizen and Squadron 42 to turn in their respective book reports and regale followers with February development reports,...

Star Citizen begins its Valentine’s Day, Lunar New Year, and free fly events for February this weekend

The month of February is loaded to the gills with events (and shop sales) for the alpha spaceship sandbox of Star Citizen, as CIG...

Star Citizen brings three new vehicles, updated salvage, and more derelict settlements in alpha 3.22

Players of the alpha version of Star Citizen can now go from Wrecks to Riches, or at least they can do so provided they...

Star Citizen shares a new sprint report and kicks off Halloween events

It's the end of the quarter for Star Citizen's weekly video digests known as Inside Star Citizen, and the last video for this series...

Star Citizen begins dishing out CitizenCon tickets to buyers and introduces a new CM

Star Citizen's big convention is just under a month away, and those who bought tickets to go to the event in-person are now seeing...

Star Citizen previews cargo hauling and sound design, shares Arena Commander mode schedule

It's all about space truckin' and sound design once more with Star Citizen's weekend slate of videos, as the latest Inside Star Citizen episode...

Star Citizen releases new Arena Commander updates, new ships, and gameplay adjustments in Alpha 3.20

Star Citizen is calling its latest alpha build "Fully Loaded," which is probably going to open CIG up to all sorts of obvious jokes...

Star Citizen showcases alpha 3.20’s updates, declares it won’t answer ‘when’ questions anymore

It looks as if Star Citizen is ramping up for the wider launch of alpha 3.20, as CIG has begun dedicating the game's official...

Turbulent officially becomes a part of Cloud Imperium Games after years of partnership

Long-time followers of Star Citizen are likely familiar with the name of Turbulent: The company was named as a partner for developer Cloud Imperium...

Star Citizen player event talks ship plans, building mechanics, player housing, and lowered priority for Theaters of War

This past weekend saw fans of Star Citizen converge in Shanghai and Hong Kong, China, for some Bar Citizen community events. Normally this wouldn't...

Star Citizen shares alpha 3.20’s plans for Arena Commander’s FPS gameplay and experimental modes

Last week, Star Citizen shared a video detailing its plans for Arena Commander updates coming to alpha 3.20, with a focus on ship-to-ship combat...

Star Citizen takes a closer look at alpha 3.20’s Arena Commander updates

Star Citizen has already made it clear that alpha 3.20 will be mostly focused on updating the long-suffering Arena Commander module, and now devs...

Star Citizen maps out Arena Commander updates for alpha 3.20, leading to mixed reaction from players

Yesterday saw Star Citizen release its roadmap and related roundup post for the game, offering backers a nebulous view of what alpha 3.20 is...

Star Citizen marks dev progress on ships, game engine bugs, and missions in its April report

The month of May has just arrived, which means that CIG is taking a moment to compile work done in April to Star Citizen...

Star Citizen releases alpha 3.18.1, prepares for a free fly event, and recounts March’s dev progress

After nearly a full month since its initial 3.18 launch, Star Citizen is considering itself fully operational once again with the launch of alpha...

Star Citizen talks up plans for more updates to the neglected Arena Commander module

The Arena Commander portion of Star Citizen often seems like the red-headed stepchild of the game, particularly as CIG's focus has primarily been on...