arena commander

An early playable module for Star Citizen.

Star Citizen is free to play and test this week for PAX East

If you've been waiting patiently on the sidelines for a chance to jump into Star Citizen, this week might be the right time. Cloud...
Right in half.

Star Citizen clarifies the persistent universe and Squadron 42 split

Are you wondering about how the split between Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will affect your purchase of the game? The short answer is...
Just go full-speed into everything at all times. Ram enemies at .2c as your attack.

Star Citizen makes major flight model changes for alpha 2.0

Modeling deep-space flight in Star Citizen involves thinking a lot about vectors, acceleration, and maneuvering thrusters. That's always been the case. The game is...

Not So Massively: Gamers rally around Total Biscuit (October 19, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

Star Citizen tops one million accounts, rewards its community

There's no doubt that Star Citizen has a legion of followers, as RSI announced that it has reached its one millionth account (or "citizen"). "If...

You can test fly Star Citizen’s Avenger for the next week

If you're a Star Citizen backer but you haven't purchased a pre-order package with access to the Aegis Dynamics Avenger, Cloud Imperium is letting...

Not So Massively: Grey Goo’s $75k tournament, Nexon’s LawBreakers

Valve announced that Dota 2's Reborn update will be released to the live servers in the next few weeks. Online RTS Grey Goo launched...

Star Citizen gets weekly and monthly reports, free DragonCon trial

If you're attending DragonCon this weekend, you might see various Star Citizen developers chatting up gamers and sharing their perspectives on various dev panels....

Here’s a helpful summary of Star Citizen’s release schedule

The best laid plans of mice and men don't hold a candle to those creating a virtual universe from scratch. The shifting dates and...
So you're accelerating.

PSA: Star Citizen can be downloaded and played for free until July 31st

Do you want to try out Star Citizen for yourself now but don't feel comfortable spending any money on a game that doesn't actually...

Star Citizen’s Vanduul Scythe will soon be flyable

Remember the very first Star Citizen trailer from 2012? I'm sure you do because it was completely badass, even though way back then it...

The Daily Grind: How do you plan to play Star Citizen?

I'm pretty excited to get my hands on some different ships in this week's Star Citizen free-fly event. I know, I know, I can...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...
Star Marine

Star Citizen reveals Star Marine’s SATA Ball and a whole lot more

Cloud Imperium has dropped a huge info bomb regarding Star Marine, which is what the firm is calling Star Citizen's first person shooter functionality. Like...

Not So Massively: LoL nerfs Nidalee, Hearthstone bans mods, and Path of Exile talks Act IV

League of Legends finally applied a nerf to controversial champion Nidalee, but players warn that it won't harm her jungling potential. Riot Games has...
Sure you are, home slice.

Star Citizen releases alpha 1.1.1 and a design blog on breathing

Cloud Imperium had a busy Friday, as the firm released Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.1 to backers and also published a couple of notable blog entries....
Get in and get moving, I hear the law!

Star Citizen posts weapon design blog, music featurette, and more

Cloud Imperium dropped a whole bunch of Star Citizen news updates this weekend, including a video featurette on composer Pedro Camacho, another week of...

Star Citizen developers respond to feedback on Rental Equipment Credits

When Star Citizen recently announced its plans to sell temporary rental equipment this week, the online response was pretty mixed. While most backers seemed...

Not So Massively: Star Citizen offers rental gear, Diablo III player hits level 1000, and Dota 2’s Year Beast controversy

Welcome to Not So Massively, Massively Overpowered's weekly roundup of all the news from the world of MOBAs, lobby-based games, and other online multiplayer games...